Wonder Flavors Pretzel Dough


10/2017 | Gremlin DIY ◼️ No Product Description

UPDATE 12/04/2017: Inquiry Regarding Spice Note

💬 Frank Eblender - Chief Financial Officer at Wonder Flavours

  • Facebook Response: "...only common one in pretzel dough is cinnamon."


Update 1/03/2018 - Product Description Available

🏷️ "A fresh pretzel-style dough."

SUGGESTED DILUTION RATIO: 2-4% - wonderflavours.com

"...SC should be started standalone at 1% up to 4%" - Frank EBlender | WFlavors |11/2017

📑 "... is a type of baked bread product made from dough...commonly shaped into a twisted knot.... 2010s...come in a range of different shapes. Salt is...most common seasoning...complementing the washing soda or lye treatment >gives pretzels their ... "skin" and flavor...several varieties of pretzels, including soft pretzels, which must be eaten shortly after preparation & hard-baked pretzels, which have a long shelf life."

"Dough...thick, malleable, sometimes elastic, paste made out of any grains, leguminous or chestnut crops. Dough> typically made by mixing flour...small amount of water and/or other liquid...sometimes includes yeast or other leavening agents as well as other ingredients such as various fats or flavorings." - en.wikipedia.org



Single Flavor Test: **3% ** 60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | Wasp Nano | Organic Japanese Cotton


►First Impressions (36 Hour Steep ✔)

• Knuckle Test: Smell & Taste

  • Aroma Intensity - Mod.Strong | Plain "Toasted" Dough...Mild Yeasty

  • Sweet | Smooth, Mod.Creamy, "Dough" Like Yeasty-ness w* hint of Spice & Oil?

📌"Sesame Seed Oil" like note along with "Spice" from Crepe (WF) < very similar

11/07/2017 (1.1 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle Aroma: Aroma Intensity - Mod.Strong | Yeasty "Toasted" Dough-Like | Subtle Hint of Spice - More Easily Identifiable

• Knuckle: Sweet | Smooth, Mod.Creamy, "Dough" Like Yeasty-ness w* hint of *Toasted Spice

• Vape: Flavor Intensity - Strong/Bold | Mild Sweetness | Mod. "Toasted" Creme' Brulee Burnt Sugar-esque Crust or Skin, over Mild "Dough" like Texture - Covered with a Spice

---| Med.Light Body | Smooth yet Drying Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Spice & Hint of Tartness < Similarity to Crepe (WF) Applicable

11/14/2017 (2.1 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle: Unchanged from Wk 1 ✓

• Knuckle: Unchanged from Wk 1 ✓

• Vape: Notable Changes

  • Intensity, Sweetness, & Mouth-feel = Unchanged
  • Change: ↓ in Spice = Mod. Light • ↑ in Semi Yeasty, Tart "Sour" Dough = Mod

• Mouth feel = ↑ in Dense Dryness


► Notes

• Off Notes: Hint of Spice Remains Identifiable

  • "Sesame Oil like Note" - Not Easily Identified

11/21/2017 - Intermission

11/28/2017 ( 4.1 Week Steep ✔ ) FINAL


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle: Unchanged from Wks 1 & 2 ✓

Aroma Intensity - Mod.Strong | Toasted* Dough like Aroma with a Light of Spice

• Knuckle: Sweet | Smooth, Mod.Creamy, "Dough" Like Yeasti-ness with a Mild & Noticeable Toasted Spice..(Nutmeg...Cinnamon..?)

• Vape:Flavor Intensity Mod Strong | Light Sweetness & Tartness | Mod. Spiced* & Toasted Pretzel Skin over a Mildly Yeasty Sour Dough

----| Med. Body | Dense, Drying Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Not a Plain Pretzel Dough - Spice Note Identifiable

• "Toasted Skin" similar Properties to a Light Caramelized Burnt Brown Sugar

📌 Similarity to a Sour Dough Soft Baked Pretzel with "Cinnamon / Nutmeg"


► Usage: 1.25 % min | 1.5 - 2.5 % med | 3 - 3.5% max

Mix: 2 - 3%

⭐ 4★'s out of 5

Accuracy to Flavor Description - No Flavor Description

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