Quick Start

The answer to almost all basic questions and more can be found in one of the links below or with a quick search.

If you want an answer in real time there are hundreds of mixers hanging out on our official discord server, at every level of mixing ability, and from all around the world.

Join the DIY Discord!

If you're about to place your first order (or even your twenty-fifth) hop in #check-my-order-please to get suggestions on things you might have forgotten, a better version of a flavor you're about to get, or just a "looks good" to help ease your mind before checking out.

We also have a channel for #new-mixers and #recipe-help and #sales-and-deals... along with about 20+ other channels for various topics and, of course, a #lobby where anything goes.

Come say "Hi" :)

Getting Started

Finding More Info

Search the following places for information before posting to the subreddit:

Wiki/FAQ Index

This is a custom google search made for the subreddit. It will give you more relevant results than Reddit's search.

DIY Beginners Guide:

List of Vendors

This list covers most of the commonly used vendors and shows which DIY supplies they have available. Vendor reviews are posted weekly and linked in this list next to the vendor. If you have a vendor you're interested in, check the reviews. And if you have an experience with a vendor you'd like to share, post it in their review thread.

DIY on a Budget

Great advice on how to place your first order, what to watch out for, and how to get it done on a budget.

Simple DIY Example and Price Breakdown

This is a simple yet comprehensive breakdown of a hypothetical first order than includes everything you need and explains exactly how much you can get out of your first order.

"My First Order" Flavors

A list of flavors voted on by the community as the best/most versatile for a first order along with several recipes you can start out making with them.

Starting Percentages

A growing list of flavors, notes, and starting percentages maintained and updated by /u/vishousness

Troubleshooting Harsh Juice

If your juice is harsh, it's likely one of the reasons listed in this guide.

Flavor Reviews

With well over 1,000 reviews and more being added all the time, if you've got your eye on a flavor or have a flavor on hand and want to learn more about how to use it or where to start, chances are it has been reviewed.

Flavor Facts

Started as a companion to the Flavor of the Week, this spreadsheet has grown into an incredible resource for finding information on flavors. If you're seeking information on all the orange flavors, or pear, or mango, etc. this is a great place to start.

Flavor Notes

Some of these come close to full flavors reviews but most are quick impressions of flavors

DIY Mythbusting & DIY Mythbusting (Updated)

These posts tackle some of the persistent myths around Steeping, Venting, Sweeteners, Complex Recipes, Substitutions and more...

Recipe Template

Posting your recipe to the Monthly Recipe Thread is encouraged but if you want to post to the front page, this post will give you a good idea of how to format your post and the kind of details/notes that should be included.

FAQ Friday

Where one Frequently Asked Question is covered as comprehensively as possible.

Recurring Threads (Archive)

  • DIY Digest - A Weekly Thread where the best posts, comments, and DIY-related content from last week are highlighted.

  • Flavor of The Week - Every week the community gathers to discuss one flavor category and share recipes, notes, ideas, advice, pairings and more. After that the Noted crew (/u/ID10-T, /u/mlNikon & /u/CheebaSteeba) try as many flavors in that category as they can and discuss their impressions, opinions and notes.

  • Tutorial Tuesday - A quick and conversational guide on various aspects of DIY.

  • Weekly ‘What are you Vaping?' Thread - Talk about the latest recipes you've mixed up whether they're yours or someone else's, finished or works in progress. Share your success or get ideas on what to do next.

  • Weekly: Single Flavors You've Tried - A nice place to gather and talk about whatever individual concentrates you've happened to try recently. Share your impressions on the flavors or jump in and ask a question about a flavor someone else has shared.

  • Weekly ‘Suggest a Recipe for my Flavors' Thread - You picked a bunch of flavors that either sounded good or were in recipes that looked good but now you want more ideas for what to do with them? Post a list of your flavors and get suggestions for recipes or flavors that would complement your current stash and expand your recipe making possibilities.

  • Hot Seat Sunday - An AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread where this week's "victim" gets to choose the next person to sit in the hot seat and answer all your questions.


  • Monthly Recipe Thread - Share your recipes here with or without development notes.
  • Monthly Clone Request Thread - Want a recipe or idea for how to mix your favorite commercial juice? This is the place to ask. Check out FAQ Friday: Clone Requests for some ideas on how best to ask and get closer to accomplishing your remix.

Source: https://link.ejoose.org/questions

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