Wonder Flavors Milk


🏷️"A very potent milk flavour, compliments cereal type mixes."

Suggested Dilution Ratio: 0.25 - 1% - Link: Milk SC


Aroma Stick: Strong Aroma Intensity - Natural. Sweet & Creamy. Aroma is similar to canned Sweetened Condensed Milk. No sour or Butyric Notes*

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Single Flavor Test: 0.5%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | TigerTek Morphe RDA | Organic Japanese Cotton

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1 ½ Week Steep

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Description: Milky, Sweet, Dairy…Condensed Milk

- Knuckle: Sweet, Creamy, Lightly Fruity Condensed Milk?


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Soft & Natural. An amalgamation of a Mild 1% Milk, Lightly Sweetened Condensed Milk and a Mellow Powdered Milk; subtle hint of a nondescript fruity floral-like flavor. Med Bodied with a Soft, Smooth and somewhat Fluffy Mouth Feel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Sour or Butryic Notes

- Subtle Fruity Floral-Like Flavor


4 ½ Week Steep - Mild Changes

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Description: Unchanged from Wk 1 ½

- Knuckle: Unchanged from Wk 1 ½


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️ - Slight ↑

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural. A Mellow & Smooth amalgamation of a Lightly Dry Powdered Dairy Milk (dominant) mixed with a Sweet Condensed Milk and a mild 1% Milk. Med Bodied with a Smooth and Soft Fluffy Mouth Feel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Identifiable Off Notes. No Sour or Cheesy /Butryic Acid Notes

- Subtle Nondescript Sweet Fruity Note (not easily identifiable @ finish)

- Uses: As an addition or compliment to a thicker & creamier Dairy flavor(s) or Dairy Mixes such as: Milkshakes, Creams/Custards, or Cereals Base etc.


📑 Mixing Test: 0.5% Milk (SC WF) + 4% Banana Puree (SC WF) | 3 ½ Week Steep


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Mix Description. Semi Ripe & Lightly brackish/toasted Banana flavor mixed with a Smooth Malted/Condensed Milk Dairy flavor. Overall Smooth Body with a Lightly Fluffy Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes – Similar Off Notes found in Banana Puree 7% SFT – Light Brackish / Toasted Note

- Addition of Milk (SC WF): Smooths & Softens Unripe Banana Notes, +’s additional dairy like flavor, weight / body to mix and increases mouthfeel.


►Mixing % Estimate*

Usage: 0.15% min • 0.25 – 0.5% med • .75% max

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