Wonder Flavors Flan


🏷️"A rich, gelatinous, creamy and sweet flan with subtle caramel. Making a delightful addition to cakes, pastries and in place of or in combination with creams!." - wonderflavours.com

Suggested Dilution Ratio: 1-4% | Link: Flan SC


Aroma Stick: Sweet aroma of Caramelized Brown Sugar (almost "syrupy") upfront & mild notes of a milky dairy cream or custard

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Single Flavor Test: 3%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | TigerTek Morphe RDA | Organic Japanese Cotton

1 Week Steep

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Description: Caramel / Brown Sugar & Mild Dairy

- Knuckle: Milky Dairy, Caramel & Toasted Brown Sugar


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural. Milky & Moderately Thick Buttery Cooked Dairy (Dominate) married to a Mild Crème Brule-like Burnt Brown Sugar and softer hints of a Syrupy Caramel. Body & Mouth Feel: Full Bodied • Smooth and Fluffy Mouthfeel

► Notes

- Off Notes: Dairy Cream has faint notes of Butyric Acid (not easily identifiable)

- Dairy is similar to a Cooked Custard but “Milk” flavor dominates


2 Week Steep

►Vape - Noticeable Changes Wk 1

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Thick Dairy “Flan” flvr is Milder & less dense • Butter flvr ↓; Overlapped by Sweet Smoky Caramelized Brown Sugar

► Notes

- Off Notes: Soft Butryic Acid Still Identifiable on Exhale

- Heavy Butter / Syrupy Caramel Weaker than Wk1


3 Week Steep

►Vape: Light Changes from Wk 2

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️↓

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️↓

- Flavor Description: Mild. Soft and Somewhat Fluffy Custard; covered by a Thinner, Lightly Smoky* Caramelized Brown Sugar (dominate). Medium Bodied with a Rounded & Smooth Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Identifiable Off Notes | Soft Butryic Acid No longer Identifiable.

- Week 3: Intensity, Sweetness, Body & Mouthfeel ↓. Overall Lighter body & mouthfeel. Heavy Caramel & Buttery Flavor no longer Identifiable = replaced with Lightly Smoky Caramelized Brown Sugar.

- Uses: As a Softer & Lighter Flan/Crème Brule flavor or Supporting flavor to denser & heavier Custard, Crème Brule, or Flan Flavors


►Mixing % Estimate*

Usage: 1% min • 2-3% med • 4% max

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