Wonder Flavors Double Mint


Setup: OG Recoil w/ flavor barrel, n80 Dual fused claptons @.30 ohms. 55 watts. Full Cotton Wicks. Others as noted.

Testing: Wonder Flavours Double Mint SC @ basically everything, various bases, Steeping isn't really an issue with this.

Profile: Peppermint and spearmint, heavier on the peppermint and with a good deal of mentholation. Light but noticeable body to the mint, which knocks some of the sharpness off the menthol. Light sweetness, but without the chalky body or vanilla notes of other mint gum type flavors. Still for fans of menthol, but pretty satisfying as a solo flavor.

Off-Flavors: It's still a pretty aggressive mentholation. Seems like a nice, clean menthol but it's going to be for the toothpaste boiz out there.

Throat Hit: Menthol heavy, so yes. Nothing untoward for a menthol. The bite is part of the point.

Percentage Recommendation: Follow your bliss, basically. Fairly potent flavor. It's always to going to lean into that menthol, so it's a bit of a tricky component to balance in a recipe. Clearly identifiable at .5% in a mix as a menthol, and it gets overwhelming to a mix quickly. If you want just a mint flourish in a recipe, you probably want to look somewhere else. It's also heavier on the peppermint than the spearmint, so fruit pairings aren't exactly a lay-up.

More successful as a solo flavor for people who actually like menthol. I've sub-ohmed this at 3% in a 3mg juice and it's pretty rowdy. I'm currently in a tighter MTL setup at 5% in a 12mg salt juice and it's still rowdy but doable. I've gone up to 8% in a 25mg pod and it's solid. I probably like it the most in a pod out of those options, but I've enjoyed all three. BUT AGAIN, I LIKE MY MENTHOL.

Other Resources:

The Product Page

“All The Flavors” Page

“e-Liquid Recipes” Page

At one point Wonder Flavours sent me some of this. I'm now on my second 120ml I've ordered.

Apexified: Hey. You said you'd review a flavor a month. You did one and then nothing for 3 months. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

(Me ignoring his discord message for like 2 weeks.)

Me: Oh shit, yeah. I was going to do that. Uhhhh.... I've just been vaping Wonder Flavours Double Mint. Maybe I'll write about that.

Apexified: I mean, it's a mint flavor. Who care?

Me: I used to tell people that when I wasn't developing something I'd just vape menthol... and that has pretty much held true. I don't really develop much anymore and this is a definitely a step up from just vaping menthol. You'd think that a mint is a mint is a mint, but there is a pretty big range to how various mint flavors actually register.

Apexified: So nobody. Nobody care.

Me: Finding your mint is an intensely personal process in which you assess what type of mint you want, how little body you'll tolerate, and how much mentholation you can stand.

On the brutal side, you can start out with something like straight menthol. Almost no actual "mint" flavor and a pretty sharp and vaguely unpleasant cooling bite on the front of your vape.

Slightly less brutal, something like FW Extreme Ice which is still mostly mentholation but has some nice, sweeter spearmint and peppermint notes right around the edges.

You then have some really aggressive mint flavors that still lean hard into mentholation but have a clearer flavor to them. Something like Inawera Mix Mint is still brutal, but gives you a really clear flavor. Same with an aggressive peppermint like Flavorah.

Wonder Flavours Double Mint fits into my own personal sweet spot: Fairly heavy but not chemical tasting menthol, clear mint flavor, and just enough body to really make it palatable as a single flavor.

Mints get a bit sweeter and less heavy mentholated working up to like Flavourart Spearmint or FW Natural Spearmint onto full mint candy territory like CAP Cool Mint or LB Vanilla Mint.

I sort of wish this was heavier on the spearmint rather the peppermint, but hey... I've vaped a lot of this stuff.

Apexified: Just make a bonafide shit post about how you've transcended flavor.

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