Wonder Flavors Croissant



◼️ No Product Description*

Update 1/03/2018 - Product Description Available


🏷️" A baked flaky and buttery pastry."

SUGGESTED DILUTION RATIO: 2-4% - wonderflavours.com "...SC should be started standalone at 1% up to 4%" - Frank EBlender | WFlavors |11/2017

📑 "A croissant...a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry named for its...crescent shape....are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough...dough is layered with butter, rolled & folded several times in succession, then rolled into a sheet>technique called laminating.... results in a layered, flaky texture, similar to a puff pastry." - en.wikipedia.org



Single Flavor Test: 3%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | Wasp Nano | Organic Japanese Cotton


►First Impressions (36 Hour Steep ✔)

• Knuckle Test: Smell & Taste

Aroma: Aroma Intensity - Strong | Bold Salted Butter / "Pastry" Note easily Identifiable

🥐Taste: Sweet | Creamy, Smooth, Rich Salted & Sweet Butter with Mod. "Baked" Pastry-like Dough

11/07/2017 (1.1 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle Aroma: Unchanged ✓

Aroma Intensity - Strong & Bold Salted Butter / *Light "Pastry" Note

• Knuckle: Unchanged ✓

Sweet | Creamy, Smooth, Rich Salted & Sweet Butter with Mod. "Baked" Pastry-like Dough

• Vape: Flavor Intensity - Mod.Strong | Mild Sweetness | Mellow, Semi-Sweet Salty Butter Baked into a Warm, Light Yeasty & Dry Dough/Pastry

---| Med. Body | Smooth - Lightly Dry Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Hint of a Soft Butyric acid* Note (Not Off Putting)

11/14/2017 (2.1 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle: Unchanged from Wk 1 ✓

• Knuckle: ↑ in Rich Salted Butter Notes = Bold / ↓ in Identifiable Pastry Dough = Soft

• Vape: Overall Unchanged from Wk 1

  • Intensity, Sweetness, Body = Unchanged

  • Change: ↑ in Soft Pastry Dough = Mild | ↑ in Mouth feel = Mod Dryness & Coated


► Notes

• Off Notes: Hint of a Soft Butyric acid* Note = Not Easily Identifiable

11/21/2017 - Intermission

11/28/2017 ( 4.1 Week Steep ✔ ) FINAL 🥇


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle: Unchanged from Wks 1 & 2 ✓

Aroma Intensity - Bold Salted Butter with a Soft & Light Pastry Note | *Pastry Note not Easily Identifiable Under Bold Butter Aroma

• Knuckle: Unchanged from Wks 1 & 2✓

Sweet | Creamy, Smooth, Rich Salted & Sweet Butter with Mellow Pastry-like Dough

• Vape: Mod.Strong | ↓ in Sweetness = Light | Mellow, Semi-Sweet Salty Butter Baked into a Warm, Lightly Yeasty Mod. Dry Pastry

---| Slight ↓ in Body = Med. Light | Smooth - Mod Dry Coated Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Light Tartness

  • Soft Butyric Acid Note = Gone ✓

• Uses & Pairings: Bakery & Pastry | Light Fruits | Creams & Custards | Topping Flavors* ex. Chocolate Drizzle

• ↑ to 49 Watts = Fuller Mouth Feel

🥐 Butter & Pastry more balanced @ Wk 4


► Usage: 1 - 1.5% min | 2 - 3% med | 3.5% max

Mix: 1.75 - 3%

⭐ 5★'s out of 5

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