Wonder Flavors Crepe


✅ UPDATE 12/04/2017: Inquiry Regarding Spice Note

💬 Frank Eblender - Chief Financial Officer at Wonder Flavours

  • Facebook Response: "....the crepe has nutmeg clove and cinnamon..."


🏷️"With a doughy texture, this flavour is versatile and will fit into many mixes."


  • Wonderflavours.com www.wonderflavours.com

"...SC should be started standalone at 1% up to 4%" - Frank EBlender | WFlavors |11/2017

📑 "Crepe: type of very thin pastry, usually made from wheat flour or buckwheat flour...are made by pouring a wheat batter onto a frying pan...often with a trace of butter or vegetable oil on pan's surface. Batter...spread evenly over the cooking surface...until the cooked side looks like the surface of the moon, then it is turned over to cook....

Sweet crêpes ...generally made with wheat flour | Savory crêpes are made with non-wheat flours such as buckwheat. Batters can also consist of other simple ingredients such as butter, milk, water, eggs, flour, salt, and sugar." - Wikipedia

9/26/2017 SF Test: 3.5% | 60/40 | Wasp Nano | Organic Japanese Cotton | 40 Watts


First Impressions (24 hour steep ✔)

Knuckle Test: Smell & Taste

--- Bottle Aroma: Intense | Aroma of almost a "citrus"... faint butter...and fried dough with spice

--- Moderate Sweetness, Creamy with the bite of an Astringent Note or Spice

10/03/2017 (1 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

Tester Bottle Aroma: Aroma Intensity - Unchanged | Spice...Possibly Anise or Clove

Knuckle: Light Sweetness | Spice with Light Fried or Oily Dough

Vape: Sweetness - Faint | Flavor Instensity Moderate | Light Yeast / Bread with a Coating of Warm Dry Spice = (Anise...Clove...?) & some Zest - Could be spice...

---|Light Body but Coated Mouth Feel | Overall Dry & Slightly Tart



• Off Notes: Spice / Tartness

• Little - No Noticeable: Egg, Dairy, or Butter notes

10/10/2017 (2 Week Steep ✔)


► Smell / Taste / Feel

Tester Bottle Aroma: Aroma Intensity Unchanged = Strong ✓

------| ★"Spice" Aroma Identifiable vs "Citrus" Aroma = Not Citrus

Knuckle: Sweetness ↑ = Mod. | Spice & Light "Fried/Oily" Dough = More Blended

Vape: Overall Warmer & More Rounded Med.Flavor Intensity | Lighter "Dough/Yeast" Flavor coated with Spice ||| ★Not Citrus

--- Body & Mouth Feel = Same ✓ | Semi Dry & Somewhat Watery


► Notes

• Off Notes: Same as week 1 ✓

10/17/017 (3 Week Steep ✔) FINAL


► Smell / Taste / Feel

Tester Bottle Aroma: Slight ↓in Aroma Intensity - Med.Strong ---- "Spice" (possibly Clove or Anise) Aroma over a Light "Oily Dough"

Knuckle: Unchanged from Wk 2 ✓

Mod Sweetness | Mod.Heavy Spice flavor over a Light "Fried Dough"

Vape: Unchanged from Wk 2 ✓

Med.Flavor Intensity | Light Sweetness | Light & Soft "Dough" like Flavor (Submissive) blended with Spice (Dominant)

---- Light - Mod. Body | Semi - Dry & Watery Mouth Feel


► Notes: 4 ★'s = Inclusion of Spice (Not Mentioned in Concentrate Description)

• Off Notes: Spice: Anise or Clove? | Lt. Tartness

• Bakeries & Pastries

  • Butter & Possible Fruits / "Preserves" that Pair well with Spice

⭐ 4★'s out of 5


► Usage: 1.5 - 2% min | 2.5 - 3% med | 3.5 - 4% max

Mix: 3 - 4%

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