Wonder Flavors Butterscotch Cream Pie


Setup: Narda Clone, Single 7ish wrap 26g kanthal coil @.7 ohms. 25w power, Half Cotton Wicks.

Testing: WF Butterscotch Cream Pie @ 5%, 70/30 vg/pg Steeped for 2 weeks

Flavor Description: Creamy soft crack butterscotch. Very rich, lots of butter, silky butterscotch and cream. I don't taste any pie crust but rather I get all delicious filling. This is a very sweet and decadent flavor.

Off-flavors: None to speak of.

Throat Hit: None here, super smooth flavor

Uses & Pairings: I can see this flavor being used at low percentages to add some complexities and creaminess to caramels or at higher percentages to be the main butterscotch note in a custard or bakery. Basically, anywhere you want a butterscotch flavor this would work very well, except maybe if you were going after a hard crack/candy like butterscotch.

Notes: I am noticing a pattern with WF that I personally like, and that is that their flavors are very sweet. I am not sure if these are supposed to be one shot type of concentrates or not but so far everything I have tried has been very good but very sweet. Some people may not want to add a lot of sweetness in their mix. If you are going for a tobacco or dryer type of bakery these flavors may not be the ones you want to reach for first.

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

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