Wonder Flavors Blueberry Jam


🏷️"...If you long for the taste of something other than the usual fruit jam flavour in your cupboard, this blueberry jam super concentrated flavouring is for you!...The best part is that it’s as if you’re eating a mouthful of fresh blueberries with this product..."

Suggested Dilution Ratio: 1 - 4% - Link: Blueberry Jam SC


Aroma Stick: Strong: Natural & Artificial aroma. *Dark Berry = Sweet, syrupy aroma...hint of "earthy"

Single Flavor Test: 3%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | asMODus C4 RDA | Organic Japanese Cotton

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1 Week Steep

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Description: Fruity Dark Berry

- Knuckle: Sweet, Blueberry & Bilberry Combo


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural. Earthly & Cooked* Bilberry with notes of a Mild Unripe Blueberry. Medium Bodied with a Slight, Watery Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Abrasive Off Notes but there is an Earthy Roasted* Note

- Jammy Texture Lacking | Flavor is more “Roasted” & Warm


2 Week Steep

►Vape: Overall Unchanged from Week 1

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️↑

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Slight changes in Mouthfeel = Smoother and a little bit more Rounded, but overall still Thin.

► Notes

- Off Notes: Same as Week 1


3 Week Steep

►Vape: Changes

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural, Tart and Dark. A Lightly Earthy Roasted* Bilberry (dominate) married to a Mild Semi-Ripe Blueberry. Medium Bodied with a Smooth and Lightly “Sticky” Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Identifiable Harsh/Chemical Off Notes - Faint Earthy* Note attached to Berries

- Flavor Leans towards a Darker Lightly Earthy Bilberry vs Blueberry

- Light Earthy note shares similar quality to Bilberry (FA) & Saskatoon Berries (WF) without the Mustiness attached.


►Mixing % Estimate*

Usage: 1% min • 2-3% med • 4% max

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