Vape Train Australia Pineapple Juice


Disclaimer 1: I am not paid off by VTA to praise them, this is entirely my opinion.

Disclaimer 2: I do not do baked goods/pastry recipes so for me CAP Golden Pineapple was an unfortunately unavoidable juice for "tarty pineapple juice" flavouring.

Tested at 3% SnV, 1 day, 3 day, 4 day steeps on a Zenith tank 0.8 Kanthal coils yada yada yada

Fuck me they've nailed this flavouring so hard it feels like it was Josh Homme personally nailing it. First toke left me disappointed because after yesterday's Coconut I expected to instantly teleport to the beach with Jessica Alba next to me and the second toke to fast forward to the loving part.

Obviously that didn't happen, but what happened was a very enjoyable and blissful half an hour spent laying on my bed vaping this in pure pleasure. Hooooly fuck it feels like I'm sipping on some high quality proper squeezed pineapple juice. It has the tartiness, the mouthfeel (VTA somehow so far has nailed the mouthfeel on every juice of theirs I try, amazing!), the sharp high notes, the middle sweetness, the front of tongue acid feel. Hell it almost replicated the bromelin bite. I even taste tested it after eating teaspoons of my fave super spicy sauces and damn it just felt so fucking good after each one (I love pineapple post spicy sauce/food, it's like PHHHHHHHH so good).

I am absolutely amazed at how well rounded and juicy it feels. It does give me the illusion that I'm actually sipping freshly made pineapple juice. I kind of only wish it was a bit more acidic, cause that's how I enjoy my pineapples, but damn this is perfect. Doesn't feel super sweet (looking at you Golden Pineapple), doesn't feel too gummy and bad textured (looking at you Golden Pineapple), just feels right.

I'm a huge fan of pineapple IRL. My friends always call bullshit when they see my chopped pineapple bits cause they think they're storebought but truth be told I've chopped incredible amounts of pineapples. They used to be my salvation in my days of super heavy drinking and some other substances. Protip: They're the real hangover cure, you just need to force yourself to chop it. So for me finding a good pineapple was really difficult. For ages I stuck to INW's Pineapple for just enjoying some pineapple with coconut for example, or I'd make my more juicy recipes with my arch nemesis, CAP Golden Pineapple. But I always craved something more, something better, and this fits exactly what I crave in such a beautiful manner! Shame that I already made my DTL juice with the last bits of my Golden Pineapple instead of throwing it out and making it with this baby.

I'm once again absolutely impressed by VTA. I promise I am not paid by them or anyone to praise what they're doing, I'm just genuinely really REALLY happy to have these juices with me.

@VTA come on guys PLEASE make me some good authentic pineapple on its own and I can get rid of INW's Pineapple too! (Tho I do love INW Pineapple.)

P.S: I feel there's a lot of experimentation ground with higher and lower % with this juice, so in the future might be returning to this review to add some extra info

P.P.S: Handed this to my non-vaping/smoking housemate (I vape my testers without nic) and they too just lit up and enjoyed it a ton. Good times.

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