Vape Train Australia Grapefruit


I know, I know "hurr durr Ronin you're such scum for disliking this and that and yada yada" and "hurr durr Ronin you're such scum for spamming this subreddit" but I'm almost done, one more review coming tomorrow for an unreviewed flavour and then I'll be out of your sight for a while (at least until the next batch of VTA (which will be quite a while I imagine)).

Boyyyy I was so excited for this! I love grapefruit irl. Like I REALLY love it. I like to just slice it in half with the rind and dig in like some filthy animal. Lather it in super spicy sauce, lick it, juice it, mix it with ginger, peel it from the skin and eat the flesh then suck on the skin, munch on the skin, eat it like an orange, I LOVE GRAPEFRUIT! I fucking love how BITTER it gets when eaten with the skin, I love the flesh with some super spicy sauce and dips, I love how the rind makes my lips go numb, I love the smell of it, I really REALLY love it. I love how grapefruit juice tastes like, I love it with ginger, with carrots, with whatever just juicy delicious bitter and absolutely pleasant. God DAMN I LOVE GRAPEFRUIT.

But Christ almighty I've not found a good grapefruit flavour so fml right? I mean Pink Guava by FLV exists which is alright-ish but it's mostly the flesh. And then I saw VTA's Grapefruit while buying my recent flavours and I got such a massive boner thinking it's gonna be as authentic as humanly possible to achieve.

And damn it comes close but eh not there yet, BUT SO CLOSE.

Tested @3% and 7% on Zenith 0.8 Kanthal coils, steeped 5 days and tested a fresh batch and no steep changes to be noticed so blah blah.

The 3% is very nice to vape, but loses my interest super quickly. It's just... there I guess. Add it only as a side aroma/side taste, but don't expect it to "shine" or something, it will add a bit of shape to your citrus mixes but that's about it. Just a nice sharp high note basically. Nice smell too, all of my recent VTA batch has a nice smell and I'm really happy I don't get to blow some super artificial smells this past week.

7% is where this shines tho. Or around 7% I guess. Depends on what bitterness you like because BOYYYY this is bitter, oh so bitter, holy shit I love how bitter it is. Maybe I'm conditioned to feel this now, but I swear I felt my lips numb a bit from it...

At 7% VTA's Grapefruit behaves like the skin towards the rind of a grapefruit, same taste as the bitter flesh there, same feeling, same aroma! Damn, it feels super clean and nice to vape. I just LOVE bitterness tho, so be warned that this might not be for everyone!

It issss missing the fleshy part of the grapefruit, the one which exists to hold all the flavour of the grapefruit ykno. The centerpiece without any of the skin, the dissected heart of the grapefruit. A massive letdown for me, since I really wanted to have this baby as a standalone grapefruit vape. I guess mixing it with some Pink Guava or any guava at all will work to give it plenty of fleshiness and body. But as it stands on its own it's a bit of a disappointment...

Worth it? If you like grapefruit and love bitterness, absolutely. Mix recommendations? Eh citrus, lemons, oranges, guavas, something with a more earthy body/flesh since this is what's missing here.

Staple? Nah. Must have? Definitely not. Enjoyable? Absolutely!

One last review coming tomorrow and I'm very excited to try this flavour!

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