Vape Train Australia Coffee Milk Froth


Vape Train Coffee W/ Milk Froth

DISCLAIMER: These are my personal notes that I am sharing with the community & all palates are different.

Setup: Hussar RDA V1 Parallel N80 26G 6.5 wraps 2.5MM .3 ohm 35 watts

Mixing Info: Steeped 24 Days &tested fresh & once a week. Mixed @ 5% & 9% 70/30

VTA Description: "a frothy barista steam wand milk (scoma) flavour that’s infused lightly with the finest coffee to assist in blending e-liquid recipes. This flavouring works particularly well where dairy components are required such as adding the topping to most coffee recipes such as perfecting a cappuccino or any coffee that requires that coffee milk taste. Adding to desserts, bakery and even candy recipes will benefit from this flavour. If you are seeking a milk with a slight coffee nuances." They suggest using SOLO: 5-9% & MIXED:1-4%.

5%: Fresh it has a bit of skunky taste, but after a week steep that died down. After 2 weeks steep the skunkiness was gone completely and flavor seemed fully steeped and you are left with a nice coffee flavor. Some cream and milky notes. I didn't notice any butyric acid funk which is common with milk. Get some burnt notes but nothing to terrible, notice a little vanilla too. but this definitely leans towards a cappuccino type flavor than a black cup coffee with some milk/cream added to it.

9%: On the nose it is smells very milk & creamy. On the back hand it is slightly bitter coffee with some cream & vanilla maybe even some hazelnut. Vaped coffee note is more forward and powerful. Creaminess is hanging out in the background with the vanilla. If you really look for it you can find the skunkiness still there as well.

Usages: Obviously coffees, cappuccino, & Starbucks style recipes. I believe this could be used with an ice cream and make and excellent coffee flavored ice cream.

Conclusion: VTA description & recommended percentages appear to hit the nail on the head. Needs a week or two steep to get rid of the skunky muskiness although it was still barely present after 3 weeks steep at 9%, but I don't know who would use this at 9% in a mix. At 5% after 3 steep this is one the better coffee flavored e-liquids I have tried. So i look forward to seeing some excellent recipes being released using this flavor.

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