Vape Train Australia Blueberry Candy


Tested @ 3% and 9%, steeped 6 days, zenith kanthal 0.8 coils etc etc

Alright this was the flavour I left for last because me and Blueberry/Blue Raspberry/Blue cotton candy have a long history. Primarily because I've never tried this shit IRL so I have no clue wtf it's supposed to taste like, but also because my fave premium juice when I was vaping premium used it as the main note. So for me the search and analysis of the best blue/blueberry/blue raspberry cotton candy (I'll just call it BBCC now if you don't mind) was a long and tedious one. Alright first my two main faves on this flavour:

FW BBCC - They just call it Blueberry cotton candy. It's some super sweet but super delicious and super EMed up concoction. If not for the sweetness, I'd be vaping this day in day out in my Atlantis by Decoded clone. HOWEVER, it's so bloody sweet and gunks up my coils so much. It's also very prone on giving massive vaper tongue. Like 5-10ml is all I need to lose a sense of taste of what I'm vaping.

CAP BBCC - they call it Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy for whatever reason. I won't judge the name because as I said I've never had this in my life. It almost sparkles from how nice the flavour is! Less % needed than FW's, less sweet, less coil gunk, but the flavour fades out super quick like after 2-3 days it's not the same. My preferred choice for Atlantis Decoded clone, altho gotta be careful when pouring it, since just a 0.5% over the top and it changes the taste completely.

And now for VTA's BBCC - PERFECTION! Oh my god so good! The 3% is EXACTLY what I needed and since it's not feeling over EMed at 3% it doesn't just fade away into oblivion like some Harry Ambrose wet dream, but instead stays there and reminds me of its presence! So yummy! 9% was a fail tho, I really couldn't taste it, just the presence of something super sweet and caramelized sugary leftovers in my mouth. I guess at 9% it's to serve the function of some next level blender? Or it requires a fresh batch of juice and to be kept as a SnV/left to steep with other flavours in? I'm not sure and frankly I have no reason to experiment further because at 3% it fulfills exactly what I need in a much cheaper (3% versus 11% FW/8.5% CAP) and much tastier and fresher feeling BBCC. However, the 3% will defo be tested out with some of my faves such as Beard whatever clone (10% CAP BBCC + 5% CAP Hibiscus but with VTA BBCC instead of the CAP one), my Atlantis Decoded recipe will be getting this treatment and I'm currently plotting a brand new recipe which will take a fresh new look at Atlantis.

Do I recommend this? If you use any BBCC yes defo, this is THE ultimate BBCC. Is this a staple? Nah, BBCC is a more childish niche for people wanting to experience 'Muricanized childhood I guess (I think this is supposed to be a very American flavour at least, do correct me if I'm wrong). What will this blend with? Bah, anything really, hell I'd even use it as a EM substitute if the recipe needs more texture, because this baby offers plenty of texture!

Get it, my fellow BBCC fans and never look back. Thank you VTA for this wonderful flavour, I am gonna save so much money now!

Tune in Soon™ for my Atlantis by Decoded clone's counterproposal of a recipe and comparison between em. Tune in maybe in 2-3 months for some more flavour reviews when I'm done with my current stock of flavours.

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