The Flavor Apprentice Graham Cracker DX


Setup RDA/ Derringer Clone/ 7 wrap 24g N80, 3mm ID 28watts

Testing Steep Time/5 days % Used/ 3% PG-VG/ 70/30 Nic 1mg

Description Tastes like toasted coconut or coconut flakes. I'm picking up a light cookie/crust note but nothing in the way of graham cracker. It's also very creamy for a cracker flavor. Really strange tbh. Reminds me of a coconut macaroon or something like that. Taking a whiff of the bottle, yeah its like a coconut cookie aroma. Taking a look at the component list on TPA website the first ingredient listed is 6-Methyl Coumarin which, you guessed it, tastes like sweet coconut.

Recommended Pairings

Coconut cream pie. Yeah this is like halfway there already. This would go great with any coconut flavor. I could see this working to help out key lime pies or something like that, its got the cream and a tiny bite of cracker thing on the back end. This would pair well with:

  • almond
  • banana
  • caramel
  • spices (cinnamon or cardamom)
  • nuts
  • chocolate
  • creams/custards
  • tropical fruits (thinking pineapple/mango)
  • honey
  • maple
  • some citrus (thinking lemon or lime)
  • rum
  • peanut butter
  • tea, especially green
  • vanilla

Off Notes

the whole thing. its a creamy yet toasted coconut flavor.


Aside from this being completely off, I kind of like it. Even solo at this %, its creamy and somewhat complex. I will be using this eventually...

I'd keep this one between 2-5% depending how much coconut cookie thing you want.

Second Opinions

Someone on ELR says it tastes like cardboard, I could see that maybe at 5%+ but here it tastes fine. Not the greatest coconut flavor out there but its better than TFA's other coconuts imo.

Someone raved about this on BCF but nothing specific about it. They just say mixed with FA cookie and biscuit for an amazing vape. I'm sure they aren't wrong actually, could be pretty damn good.

Not a lot on this sub about this one that's why I decided to do a review.

Thanks for reading and please leave any notes you may have about this weird ass flavor.

Soon to come: my review about FE Avocado!

edit just some formatting

BTW the most authentic graham cracker I have found is CAP graham cracker v2, its got all the right spices. needs some more crunch but its there and its good. So if you came here looking for a graham cracker, go get it!

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