The Flavor Apprentice Cotton Candy



Only second to sucralose, Cotton Candy is a most popular sweetner. A lot of DIY'ers scorn the use of it and vendors use it in a lot of mixes. If you want added sweetness to your mixes, get some and test it out.

Use it like you'd use sweetener in a drink or salt in food.

If your a stealth vaper, I'd leave this one out. I go to dive bars, clubs and concerts/shows occasionally and I can pick this smell out like a bloodhound.

The majority of DIY mixers regard cotton candy the same as EM, Ethyl Maltol.

Nose Neat:

Muted cotton candy.

Flavor Description:

Sweet. Cotton candy.


Slightly bland end note.


You name it....

Position In The Recipe:

Background. Added sweetness upfront nearly all the way to the end of exhale.

Mouth Feel

Medium. Coats the back of your mouth.

Throat hit:


Relatable Flavors:

Cotton candy.


Enhancer. Sweetener.




Velocity Clone V1.Single Coil SS 26g. .4Ω. 30 Watts. Cotton Wick


.5% - 1% @ 50% VG 0 Nic

Suggested Steep Time

SNV standalone. Varies with recipe.

Suggested Percentages:

.2% - 3% mixed. 3% - 5% standalone.

Please if your opinion differs, or you have another review for this post it in the comments this will help the master list with multiple views in one spot.

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