The Flavor Apprentice Black Honey


*Edit: Just noticed that /u/thedirtyprojector reviewed this flavor 3 months ago and had a different experience. But then I saw that /u/queuetue wrote about it and seemed to taste what I tasted. Please chime in people. Do some taste honey and others clove?


  • percentage used: 3%
  • 7 weeks
  • PG/VG ratio: 50/50
  • vaped on NarDA rda, Kanthal A1, 28 gauge, spaced coil, 1.8 ohm, 12-18 watts


Type of Tobacco

  • Aromatic


Flavor Properties:

  • mild
  • dry
  • not sweet
  • spice


Relatable Flavors:

  • ground cloves (think mulled wine cloves not clove cigarette cloves, very pleasant and I hate clove cigarettes)
  • chocolate vanilla cigar like SC Black Mile but less upfront and obvious in the profile
  • the light chocolate and vanilla notes remind me of Captain Black cigar wrapper flavor


Mouth Feel:

  • pretty light


Off Flavors:

  • None that are unpleasant. One could argue that cloves, chocolate and vanilla are off flavors considering this has the word honey in the name, and I get zero honey from it.


Position In A Recipe:

  • Bury it in the base notes to add depth to an authentic pipe blend or Turkish style tobacco


Suggested Percentage:

  • 2-3% (even at 3% it's very mild)



  • FLV Red Burley
  • SC (or FE) Black Mile
  • FE Turkish
  • FLV Virginia
  • INW Virginia Tobacco Absolute
  • any chocolate/vanilla cigar blend
  • any Turkish style tobacco blend
  • teas!! (I'm thinking Chai tea but it could spice up an herbal tea quite nicely.)



  • I am so pleasantly surprised by this flavor for a few reasons.. First and foremost, I really hate clove cigarettes and even though I'm tasting clove here, it's truly delightful. Second, I've been sleeping on this flavor forever. Bought it on my first order, tried it in my first recipe which was understandably horrible and blamed it on the flavorings instead of my inexperience. Never tried this flavor again until now.
  • Because I was confused and curious about this flavor, I went ahead and whipped up another batch for SnV at 3%. I'm getting pretty much the same effect as the steeped version.
  • Overall, this is worth having in the tool belt. It's not a "oh my god tobacco" but will be very useful in a spicy blend. Can't fuckin believe it. Good job TPA.


Wikipedia entry on Black Honey which does not explain why I don't taste honey in TPA Black Honey

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