Sobucky Super Aromas Apple Strudel


SSA Apple Strudel 3% 70VG 30PG 1.5 mg Nic

Tested on Wotofo Recurve with SS316L Flapton 0.25 ohms, 430F at 55W

SnV: Lots of cinnamon, lots of warm apple. Not a lot of crust present.
Not bad, but it's more like FLV Apple Filling at this point.

3 Day steep: the crust is now way more upfront, the cinamon and the apple are far less present.
Bit empty, no real body in here

5 Day steep: It's starting to come together now. The apple, cinnamon and crust are more balanced.
Like all SSA flavors, this is another steeper.

7 Day steep: Very nice balance of apple, cinnamon and crust.
It did however fade a bit, so 3% might be a little low for this one. Or just fill it out with some FLV Apple Filling and some crust. All in all, good flavor!

Offnotes: none

Sidenotes: needs help, it's not a one shot, but it is pretty close

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