Super Concentrated French Pipe


French Pipe

Setup: mtl STNG 0.4 ohm smth smth ID clapton smth smth 28.5W

Nose: A slight leaf note, some dark sweet vibes, a sense of richness. Smells pretty good, actually. 2% - Pretty rich off the shake, seems fully saturated by 4-5 days. Dark rich musky pipe-esque tobacco. Very moist and on the sweeter side. I can't help but think this is a strong replacement for INW Dark for Pipe. I almost want to mix some tests with the both of them side by side and some tests using the SC French Pipe as a sub in some recipes that uses DfP. There's some notable differences, of course. There's not so much of that luscious undercurrent of of dark fruit (no notable ash) you get with DfP nor that syrupy cherry note you get with FLV Cavendish. Instead, I get this pleasant dark tobacco note that is clean, musky and moist. I can definitely see uses for this as either a primary note or when a darker sweet base is called for. I will be using this for sure in the future.

Suggested percent: 2-3 main note, 0.5-1.25 accent.

Pairing ideas: Aside from obvious attempts to pair with fruit flavors, I might try to pair this with something dry and less sweet with a hint of ash for a dark rich tobacco mix in the manner of DfP like:

  • FLV Cured 1.5%
  • FLV KY 1%
  • SC French Pipe 1.5%

...with loads of possibilities for addons. INW Licorice to boost that dark semi fruit note into a full cooked prune note, TFA Horehound for a kind of mentholated note, or pairing with some kind of coffee flavors for some grit and accent. Overall very pleasant and would recommend for dark tobacco lovers.

Second Opinions:

ELR user Silhouette says:

I'm sure no one is going to taste exactly what I taste, but I've always gotten this sort of dark berry flavor along with SC French Pipe. I have grown fond of some SC Tobaccos, and even some other flavors that use an SC Tobacco base. It is a delicious and dark flavor, one of my first tobacco flavors in fact. Good enough to be used on its own, or with other flavors. I like enhancing the berry notes with a Blackberry sometimes, but very mildly. This, like Havana Dry is über-potent. I find most SC Tobaccos to be more potent than Inawera. It can be an earthy, strong tobacco if you like, or it can be used sparingly in a sweeter mix, works both ways. I will always have an affection for this one as it was a in a giftbox from a vendor when I was starting out, and it's still one of my favorites.

ELR user KumariHPX:

"uber-potent. " Recommended to start at 0.5% (2-3 drops per 10ml )!

Has a berry-ish flavor, far darker than blackberry. Very good standalone but not subtle in blends, and kind of is one already. Super concentrated, start with .5% (2 drops in 9 ml).

I dunno, I didnt get much of a berry flavor like in the way that INW Black Cat for Pipe is a berry tobacco. Maybe it's because I was mtl? Who knows. But whatever that flavor is, it's clearly why I liked it. I do like me some dark berries :) It's currently on clearance at bcf. I'd recommend picking this one up on your Black Friday order if you're a tobacco lover. Could be useful.

Special thanks to u/Apexified for assistance (and prodding) to write/share this review.

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