Super Concentrated Dunhill



  • percentage used: 3%
  • 2 months
  • PG/VG ratio: 50/50
  • vaped on NarDA rda, SS316L, 26 gauge, contact coil, 2.5mm ID, 0.88 ohm, 12-20 watts

Type of Tobacco:

  • non-aromatic

Flavor Properties:

  • mellow
  • dry
  • not sweet

Relatable Flavors:

  • cocoa note hits upfront but it's gentle (think SC Black Mile)
  • generic woody note which adds dryness (don't expect "kapow I'm a lumberjack cutting trees down" type of woodsyness, it's pretty mellow and very blended into the other notes)
  • mild leathery note (like TFA Western but not as defined)

Mouth Feel:

  • dense

Off Flavors:

  • none

Position In A Recipe:

  • use in a tobacco base to add some body

Suggested Percentage:

  • 2-3%


  • leathery, woodsy, or chocolaty tobaccos to boost notes
  • smokey tobaccos to add authenticity
  • caramel, nuts, vanilla, creams, to bend into a desert tobacco
  • cinnamon (small amounts) would work, oddly enough, to add the right kind of spice and give it some personality


  • Reminds me of SC Black Mile but more mellow on the chocolate notes.
  • At first vape, I was getting leather notes but the woody cocoa notes are more in the forefront now that my rda is warmed up.
  • It's a really pleasant vape and very adaptable. Could sit in an authentic tasting recipe or a dessert tobacco blend.
  • Doesn't have enough going on to be a stand alone for me but if I had nothing else, it's so non-offensive to my taste buds that I wouldn't mind if I had to vape it all day.
  • Overall, it's so middle of the way that it could be a pretty useful flavor for any tobacco head. In the same breath, it's lack of defining features will require artful pairings to really make it pop.
  • PS. It does not taste like a Dunhill cigarette, surprise surprise :P
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