Real Flavors Vanilla Custard SC


Setup: Goon 24mm, dual parallel SS316L 25g @0.09 ohms, 70w w/ 100w preheat, 410 degrees F temp limit, full cotton wicks.

Testing: Real Flavors (Super Concentrate) Vanilla Custard @2%, steeped for 44 days

Flavor Description: Vanilla Snak-Pak pudding. This has that straight out of the lunch box vibe. This has a subtle chemical vibe to it, but it could pass for licking the foil lid of a pudding pack. Thick mouthfeel, but not too eggy or sweet. This has a lot in common with RF (SC) Bread Pudding, so if you enjoy that flavor you may like this one. Not anywhere close to competition for CAP Vanilla Custard V1 sadly...

Off-flavors: Odd chemical note. It seems to fade to the back after a few puffs, then disappears.

Throat Hit: I'm not getting any.

Uses & Pairings: Puddings, eclair, puddings, etc. Mouthfeel is great here, so anywhere you want to thicken a custard-based recipe.

Notes: Not great solo for me, I'm not sure I will be using this too much even in a mix. That being said, it's not bad.

Second Opinions: Real Flavors description: "The history of custard goes back as far as ancient Rome, and no wonder it lives on! This classic vanilla custard is brimming with creamy, eggy goodness. A thick delicious dessert by itself, it also blends beautifully with fruits…or for the adventurous, even with some savory flavors. The combinations are endless. What will you whip up?"

And a review on their site: "4 out of 5 Daniel H. – February 15, 2017: I give it a four. It is not bad. For those that don’t like an eggy custard this is for you.. 3 to 4 week steep." I do get a mild egginess here

fidalgo_vapes says: "Real Flavors SC Vanilla Custard mixed @2.5 pct 80vg 20pg made 3-28 tested 4-16 dual clapton .31ohms velocity v2

So i want to be fair here and get this out of the way i love creams and custard and i love what makes them great YES i love me some diketones , if i could id add some diacetyl here and there ( not really ) but imo they are what makes my fave creams /custards what they are , so obviously this isnt gonna make the cut for me ( my thought b4 vaping ) but to my surprise this Vanilla Custard isnt too bad and its been under a month No its not VCV1 but a hell of a lot better than VCV2 ( capella ) and id use it over tpa any day , i wont compare to FA because thats a different custard right ?? this though has its place in my line up, right now its lacking the vanilla id like to taste and the BA is heavy i could taste it instead of just smell and that worries me just a little bit usually a product that has BA has faded by now but being a custard im assuming its heavy here opposed to a lighter cream ( im assuming its BA ) mouthfeel is nice and it has a smooth creaminess so for me it could easily be a number two Vanilla Custard ill use it with FA cream whipped just to get some Diacetyl lol im anxious to try this again in a couple weeks" lots of RF (SC) notes on that page

and finally /u/mysticrosell's VG version review

Edit: added quotation marks

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