Real Flavors Shamrock Shake VG Version


Being a new commenter, I didn't format or submit my previous post properly, so I think this is what everyone was asking for? If anyone knows anything I should do differently feel free to let me know. I promise I won't cry ;)


Please understand these are just my opinions, and I have only been mixing for about 8 months. I hope it helps. These flavors really do need at least a 4 week steep to fully develop the flavors. VG just doesn't carry the flavor like PG. However, even using higher percentages, if they are single flavors it's not using any more flavoring than they usual 15-20% of combines flavors that is commonly used with a lot of flavoring. These are not super concentrated like INW or FA.


Shamrock Shake

  • Tested 10% @ 1 week steep. This is the first one from RF that disappointed me. It's not a bad flavor, just not Shamrock Shake. I'm not sure if it's because my expectations were too high. Or because this flavor needs a long steep to develop. I'm hoping it's the latter, and wouldn't be surprised if it is. Seems like most mints and creams need a good steep by themselves, much less together. On the inhale, of course is sweet mint. Not overwhelming, very good level. On the exhale I get a generic cream with maybe a hint of chocolate chips? I was looking for the in your face know right away shake. If someone handed me a tank of this to try, and I didn't know what was in it, I would guess it is some type of creamy mint. If I try hard I can find hints of Shamrock Shake though, so I'm still hopeful. I will wait to rate until a longer steep.
  • At a 4 week steep. Very nice thick sweet creamy vanilla mint milkshake. Still only hints of Shamrock Shake. I like it, very refreshing. I don't taste any hints of chocolate chips anymore, and very close to the shake. But, just not all the way there. I can see myself vaping this often for the summer. The mint gives it a hint of cooling. I am going to raise this and try again at 15%, might just need more to get the full shamrock? But if not, it's still a very good vanilla mint shake.
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