Real Flavors Rice Crispy Treat VG Version


Percentage Used: 15%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a .5 fused Clapton Coil at 26W and a Cleito .4 kanthal Clapton at 35W


PG/VG 30/70


Steep Time: 4 Weeks


Apparently this is another one of those flavors I am adding to the list of sensitive flavors for me like Cap Cake Batter and Glazed Donut and FA Joy, etc. I am not going to give this a star rating due to that. All I get from it is an offensive grainy almost rice krispie taste with a background of sweetness. I can't taste past that to detect any butter or actual marshmallow flavor. It's the same grainy grossness I get with FW Rice Crispy. However, I think that's my sensitivity and therefore it's not fair for me to judge this flavor. I had my husband taste it to see what he gets, and he actually likes it and says it's quite good. He said it tastes like a crispy treat to him, and he can taste the marshmallow and butter from it. I gave him the rest of the tester.

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