Real Flavors Marshmallow SC


Percentage Used: 1%


Equipment Used: Vengeance .2 kanthal coil at 35W


PG/VG 30/70


Steep Time: 3 Days


At a 3 day steep this is so far a very sweet, generic flavor. It seems delicate, has a body to the mouth feel but not a creaminess. Getting a strange, slight chemical back note. Not getting marshmallow from it at all.


Based on these early results, I think this flavor needs a little higher percentage as it's so delicate. I would guess 2% maybe? That will be my next tester percentage, as well as retasting the 1% at 4 weeks to see if the flavor develops more with time.


EDIT: 4 week steep. The 1% tester has remained a generic sweetness with an exhale of slight marshmallow. Has a great body to it, and the chemical note has disappeared completely. At 1% working great as a sweetener and to add a little body to a mix without actual marshmallow flavor. I do think the authentic marshmallow flavor will be more prominent in the 1.5-3% range.


This one is very similar with the longer steep in comparison to the 3 day. I did see the improvement of that chemical note disappearing, but that might have very well been improved at 1 or 2 weeks, so might consider testing it with less of a steep.


EDIT: Real Flavors has announced they will be changing the names of their Raw Extracts to Super Concentrates.

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