Real Flavors Lemon Cake VG Version


Being a new commenter, I didn't format or submit my previous post properly, so I think this is what everyone was asking for? If anyone knows anything I should do differently feel free to let me know. I promise I won't cry ;)


Please understand these are just my opinions, and I have only been mixing for about 8 months. I hope it helps. These flavors really do need at least a 4 week steep to fully develop the flavors. VG just doesn't carry the flavor like PG. However, even using higher percentages, if they are single flavors it's not using any more flavoring than they usual 15-20% of combines flavors that is commonly used with a lot of flavoring. These are not super concentrated like INW or FA.


Lemon Cake

  • Tested 10% @ 1 week steep. This is very good, I really like it. It's very flavorful at just 1 week, so might be a good S&V? I didn't try, but I also never S&V, I always give a minimum of 24 hrs for flavors to blend. Lemon pound cake glazed with sweet icing, also reminds me of the filling of lemon meringue pie just a little less tart. They did an excellent job with this one, well balanced with cake definitely there. Realistic slightly acidic lemon without being bitter or harsh. No window cleaner on this one. It's very sweet. I could and will easily ADV this stand alone. I can also see it being great to make lemon cookies, or even a great base for a lemon meringue pie if you add a touch of lime for tartness, crust, and some meringue. I see a lot of uses for this in my future. I really hope the lemon stays prominent with steeping, so hard to find lemons that do. I would start at 2-4% in mixes. I will update at 4 week steep!
  • At a 4 week steep. This is still a good lemon. It has muted just slightly with steep as is common with lemon, but very small difference. However, the cake has almost completely disappeared to me. Still very sweet. I can see this being used for a lot of mixes. This is the strongest lemon that has survived a steep I've tried yet. Haven't had INW or FE yet. I'm still getting the icing too, but the cake has faded a lot, it's still there, but barely. I am going to try this at a higher percentage and see how it does, maybe 15%? If that doesn't work, I will use it more as a S&V and not mix more than a week's worth at a time, because that first week it was amazing. I still think it will be great in other recipes for a thicker slightly creamy lemon that won't fade as much. Will be using this a lot.


Update: This continued to fade to almost non-existent flavor. I highly recommend only mixing enough for 2 weeks or less as that is about the time frame on the flavor. But it's an amazing flavor for those first 2 weeks, so a great S&V.

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