Real Flavors Fried Chicken SC


Setup: Troll RTA; Clapton .226Ω; cotton wicks; 105 watts; Temp Limit - 460F; 3% Nicotine, Age:S&V

Testing: Real Flavors (Super Concentrate) 1.5% Fried Chicken 70/30 VG/PG

Real Flavors Description: Do you live for fried chicken? You’re not alone. This may be our finest savory offering yet! Juicy chicken with lots of extra skin…dredged in a mixture of flour, secret seasonings, salt and pepper before being deep-fried to a crispy golden hue. Yes, Virginia…there is a Fried Chicken flavor.

Flavor description: Right off the bat I'm getting a lot of regret. Tastes convincingly enough like fried chicken. Black pepper is right up front with the taste of chicken skin. Tastes mostly of the skin with a light fried crust. I'm not getting much moist white chicken from this. It lacks the depth of the chicken flavor as you only really get a glimpse of it from this. It has a very light dark skin flavor, more than anything. It tastes like almost like drinking the grease after frying the chicken. The flavor makes you feel like you have no soul. It lingers on your receptors and makes you question your life and wonder what went wrong. I would say this isn't a KFC or Popeyes chicken but a dollar store brand mix and homemade by someone who has a very heavy hand with the black pepper. Whoever Virginia is, I sure hope she's happy about this flavor existing; because I'm not.

Off Flavors: Black pepper? You can almost feel it pierce your sinuses. It tastes like you mix flour and half black pepper and battered the chicken. It's way too forward. They claim it has some 'Secret Seasonings' but all I can taste is pepper and a lack of self respect. The black pepper comes out more the hotter/higher wattage you have your device at.

Throat Hit: All things considered this is pretty smooth. Not getting much of any throat hit from this. The black pepper flavor hits randomly and, while it isn't too harsh, it hits you where the florals usually do.

Uses / Why?: What would you use this with? A better question would be why would you want to use this? Obviously some TFA Strawberry (Ripe) or INW Cactus. Or maybe some FLV Basil or Saline solution for good measure as this is missing some good seasonings. This flavor is for the brave and who wish to plague their fanatical fried chicken loving friends with questioning your friendship. 1.5% - 2% seems to be a good starting point for this being the main flavor if you hate yourself enough to want to try this.

Rating: 10/Makes me Nauseous. No joke, I actually want to throw up vaping this.

Second Opinions


Tastes like. Wait for it. FRIED CHICKEN ! Mixed tester at 3% and it's down say 30% in strength at three weeks in 80-20%

More ELR - VG Based Concentrate:

"Started vaping it at 6:30am. At first all i got is the chicken in chicken noodle soup. By 7-ish i started tasting hints of the spicy crispy breading." "8am now and i'm getting more of that spice-seasoned, fried breading. Vapour production is good. At this stage it's still more 'chicken soup' than fried chicken but the spices & breading are coming we'll see."

It's definitely KFC now. Not exactly spot-on. i'd say...more like 90% there. Being a vape, it lacks the full-on greasiness of fried chicken (though there's some there in the mouthfeel...i could be imagining that). Also the full in-your-face saltiness isn't really there (though pepper and the other spices are well-represented here). i would say this is pretty damn as close as one can get to Fried Chicken in a vape. For some this might be more akin to a Shake 'n Bake Chicken, if you know what i mean. The main difference between the two actual foods is the grease. i think it's a safe bet that some flavour components in the grease arise when deep-fried fat and chicken meet...and those are likely difficult to replicate in a vape-safe flavouring. At least fully.

The flavour felt like it had mellowed a bit in strength after 4 weeks, but not not super noticeably. i could be imagining it. Then again i'm a little bit stuffed up at the moment too, so it could be that.

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