Real Flavors Cake Batter VG Version


Being a new commenter, I didn't format or submit my previous post properly, so I think this is what everyone was asking for? If anyone knows anything I should do differently feel free to let me know. I promise I won't cry ;)


Please understand these are just my opinions, and I have only been mixing for about 8 months. I hope it helps. These flavors really do need at least a 4 week steep to fully develop the flavors. VG just doesn't carry the flavor like PG. However, even using higher percentages, if they are single flavors it's not using any more flavoring than they usual 15-20% of combines flavors that is commonly used with a lot of flavoring. These are not super concentrated like INW or FA.


Cake Batter

  • Tested 10% @ 1 week steep. Generic sweetness. I'm just getting a pleasant sweetness, and maybe if I concentrate really hard a hint of frosting? Not really sure, can't pick up any specific flavor, it's more than just sweetened VG, but indistinguishable at this point. Maybe this needs a full steep, will try again at 4 weeks, hopefully it will develop further. If it doesn't change, I don't really see a use for it.
  • At a 4 week steep. This hasn't changed much with a steep. Maybe sweeter and a little thicker? Still generic sweetness, not getting any cake batter from this. It's not awful, but not cake batter. At this point the only use I might use it for is a sweetener? Would have to test it in something and see how it does. I wouldn't buy this one again.
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