Real Flavors Bread Pudding VG Version


Being a new commenter, I didn't format or submit my previous post properly, so I think this is what everyone was asking for? If anyone knows anything I should do differently feel free to let me know. I promise I won't cry ;)


Please understand these are just my opinions, and I have only been mixing for about 8 months. I hope it helps. These flavors really do need at least a 4 week steep to fully develop the flavors. VG just doesn't carry the flavor like PG. However, even using higher percentages, if they are single flavors it's not using any more flavoring than they usual 15-20% of combines flavors that is commonly used with a lot of flavoring. These are not super concentrated like INW or FA.


Bread Pudding

  • Tested at 10 day steep 15% standalone. Very good, not too rich, could adv easily by itself. Flavor is good at this percentage, but deepens and strengthens a lot near the 4 week steep mark. Try at 3-4 weeks before raising percentage. Well balanced, just a light hint of cinnamon and really an authentic bread pudding. For my personal tastes would like a hint more vanilla. Would be great with a vanilla or caramel sauce, or topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Lots of possibilities with this one. I have noticed with this brand of flavorings that they really come out at/after 4 weeks. Probably because of the vg, but worth waiting for!
  • At a 4 week steep. This is even more delicious with steeping. Very good SF for me in a tank at 15%. I have made a few recipes, and this flavor is a little touchy. 2-3% creams added to it in any combination has a tendency to mute it. A clear baking type vanilla Like FA Classic or Tahiti accents it very well if you like more vanilla. I do have one with whipped cream and one with vanilla sauce that is very good, but I had to keep the bread pudding up at 12% and creams under/around 3%. I will be vaping this a lot, awesome bread pudding and hard to find flavor. They do it well.
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