Real Flavors Bread Pudding SC


Setup: Dotmod Petri v1.5, dual parallel SS316L 27g @.19 ohms, 69w w/ 100w preheat 410 degrees F temp limit, full cotton wicks.

Testing: Real Flavors (Super Concentrate) Bread Pudding @1.5%, steeped for one month

Flavor Description: Sweet and bready. this reminds me of the RF(SC) French Toast without the syrup note, and slightly less eggy. There are subtle hints of cinnamon, vanilla, and maybe nutmeg. overall this is a great generic bread pudding taste!

Off-flavors: not really

Throat Hit: none

Uses and Pairings: this seems to be a great place to start for a bread pudding recipe. this could be vaped solo but who does that? this could benifit from added cinnamon, clove, and/or vanilla. you could go to town with fruit like apple, apricot, raisin, and other dried fruits; or perhaps go nuts with nut flavors like pecan, peanut, almond, and walnut. honey or sugar flavors would not be out of place as a pairing. oh, and spices! 1-2% seems like a good range for this.

Notes: The steep time on this is not one month, I just procrastinated on my testing. I'd say one or two weeks should do it judging by the other RF(SC) I've tried. most of the second opinions i found were about the VG based bread pudding, but im going to say that they are most likely close enough except for steep times.

Second Opinions: From Real Flavors: "When it comes to bread pudding, there are a multitude of regional variations. However the moist vanilla sweetness remains the same. Our delicious flavor is made from a cherished family recipe using bread, milk, eggs, raisins, vanilla, spices and more. Excellent on its own, this is one of our most popular offerings."

Our very own /u/mysticrosell's review of the VG Bread Pudding

From /u/To0nMaN: When i make it i make it with homemade cinnamon rolls instead of bread so you have the bready cinnamon notes in a nice heavy custard and a light drizzle of cream cheese frosting. This seems to be what this flavoring was modeled after. There are many variations on bread pudding, some have fruits and/or nuts. Some made with pudding and some made with custard. This is about the VG version but I imagine they are similar. However, I do not taste ANY kind of icing/frosting.

Anonymous states (about the VG version): VG version. Tested at 10 day steep 15% standalone. Very good, not too rich, could adv easily by itself. Flavor is good at this percentage, but deepens and strengthens a lot near the 4 week steep mark. Try at 3-4 weeks before raising percentage. Well balanced, just a light hint of cinnamon and really an authentic bread pudding. Would be great with a vanilla or caramel sauce, or topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Lots of possibilities with this one. I have noticed with this brand of flavorings that they really come out at/after 4 weeks. Worth the wait! @4 week steep. This is even more delicious with steeping. Very good SF for me in a tank at 15%. I have made a few recipes, and this flavor is a little touchy. 2-3% creams added to it in any combination has a tendency to mute it. A clear baking type vanilla like FA Classic or Tahiti accents it very well if you like more vanilla. I will be vaping this a lot, awesome bread pudding and hard to find flavor. They do it well.

More on Gremlins page:MORE OF A FRENCH TOAST FLAVOR 4 Star Review Posted by Unknown on Feb 26th 2017

Not sure I like it...but cant stop vaping it. 12% at 5 weeks. Reminds me of a french toast with a yeasty flavor. Slightly sour raisin on the exhale. Its different and I find myself craving it.

STRAIGHT FROM MOMMA'S OVEN 5 Star Review Posted by Lisa on Jun 25th 2016

Tested at 10 day steep 15% standalone. Very good, not too rich, could adv easily by itself. Flavor is good at this percentage, but deepens and strengthens a lot near the 4 week steep mark. Try at 3-4 weeks before raising percentage. Well balanced, just a light hint of cinnamon and really an authentic bread pudding. For my personal tastes would like a hint more vanilla. Would be great with a vanilla or caramel sauce, or topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Lots of possibilities with this one. I have noticed with this brand of flavorings that they really come out at/after 4 weeks. Probably because of the vg, but worth waiting for!

@4 week steep. This is even more delicious with steeping. Very good SF for me in a tank at 15%. I have made a few recipes, and this flavor is a little touchy. 2-3% creams added to it in any combination has a tendency to mute it. A clear baking type vanilla Like FA Classic or Tahiti accents it very well if you like more vanilla. I do have one with whipped cream and one with vanilla sauce that is very good, but I had to keep the bread pudding up at 12% and creams under/around 3%. I will be vaping this a lot, awesome bread pudding and hard to find flavor. They do it well.

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