Real Flavors Baklava SC


Setup: velocity v2; dual 24g SS316 7 wrap; full cotton wicks

Testing: Baklava 2% aged: 10 days 60/40 vg/pg 1mg nic

Flavor description Flaky, bready crust topped with plenty of rose water and a touch of honey. Rose hits you throughout the entire vape. Its pleasant and not overbearing, but its all over this one even though there’s no mention of rose water on the RF site The site mentions walnuts/pistachio but I don’t get much nuttiness here.

Off-flavors: No, real baklava has rose water and I was expecting some. Maybe could have more walnut or pistachio to it.

Throat hit: Not harsh at all, as a shake and vape the alcohol might tickle you a bit but that’s gone pretty quickly.

Uses: Baklava? This is a pretty complete single flavor, maybe just add a touch of pistachio or FA nut mix if you want to bring on more nuttiness.

This is going to be the base in pastry recipes / baklava custards or ice creams.

ELR has notes about a Baklava Recipe that was tweaked for the super concentrate.

4.00% Pistachio (TFA)

2.00% Acetyl Pyrazine (TFA)

2.00% Baklava (Real Flavors)

2.00% Butter Pecan (FW)

0.25% Liquid Stevia (Pyure)

I think this is too much AP, this stuff has plenty of grain to it. I imagine after 3-4 weeks steep the crusty/grainy part will shine even more. Butter Pecan and pistachio seem like they’d work.

Also might be useful around 1% to add the rosewater taste/light flaky notes

Pairings: Nuts, Custard + Creams, Caramel/Honey/Butterscotch, Lychee, Lemon, Raspberry, Rice Pudding/Horchata, Yogurt, Maybe some other fruits but you’d have to try for yourself, maybe Apple, Pear, some berries, anything that might play nice with the rose here.


I haven’t mixed with this guy but I see people mixing it with RF SC strawberry so that might be something. Its pretty strong and I think right at 2% it could pass as a baklava e-juice, maybe a little TFA marshmallow to round it out (that’s been my cheat for everything lately). Because of it’s complexity its going to be tough to mix. If you just want the puff pastry part or just the rose water part to shine, I am not sure how to go about doing that. It’s pretty balanced. I must mention that as a S&V its just 100% rose water and that tones down day by day. After a week its pretty stellar how much this changed and I imagine a month will be even better.

Second Opinions

Couple of mentions on the ELR forums

*I liked the RF SC Baklava as a 3.5% standalone originally but quickly got bored of it as the clove/cinnamon notes overpowered the filo dough notes even after a long steep so I ended up mixing it with my Pumpkin Pie single flavor batch and added in some RF VG Banana Bread flavoring I had left. I hope it turns out OK as it ended up literally being a half liter of juice once all mixed together.

Edit: this guy mentions clove/cinnamon but I'm not getting any

*I haven't figured out the RF Baklava yet. I'm enjoying it, but I don't yet know what to add to it.

*Someone mentions cat piss, I don’t get any even as shake and vape, Baklava- straight up cat piss sorry but it stinks to high heck in back...didn't stop me from putting it in a mix around 0.75% thou.

*Someone else mentions long steep times, The baklava needs to steep long IME to get rid of those off notes. At 2% I was not a fan until it had steeped a month. I then liked it so much I tried another tester at 3.5% and after 3 weeks or so went for a big batch and plan to let it steep good and long.

*More mentions, I like the Baklava and have a mix with it I really enjoy the vapor smell turns some people off. I mainly enjoy that flavor when I am at home and The Baklava on it's own is OK but needs some help, I usually add a little butterscotch pudding SC and Natural Butterscotch from FW which is hands down my favorite butterscotch. I throw in some other flavors to get it were I like it like some Almond, a little butter cookie for the butter part and I think some toasted marshmallow but don't have the recipe with me.


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