Purilum Yellow Cake


Percentage Used: 7%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton coil at 20W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 19 Days and 7 Weeks


Aroma: Medium strength cake, caramel, and maybe brown sugar?


Flavor Description: At a 19 day steep it's the flavor of yellow or vanilla cake with a slight hint of brown sugar in the back? The aroma is luscious and smells strongly of cake. The little flavor that is present is good but very faint. It has no discernible mouth feel, depth or density. Based on the flavor weakness at 7%, I think this would have to be used in the 10-15% range for a single flavor, and it's so delicate I'm afraid it will be lost completely in mixes.I retested at a 7 week steep. The flavor seems to have faded even more, a mostly generic sweetness with a hint of vanilla that is almost flavorless to me.


Off Flavors: Lack of flavor.


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: I think will get lost in most flavors. If trying to use it in a mix I recommend only other delicate and light flavors.


Notes: If this tasted as good as it smells it would have been amazing.


Comparison: Compared to the well known FW, unfortunately it loses. It's missing that fluffy yet thick mouthfeel and complexity that FW offers. FW also has a much stronger flavor of I think it's caramel in the background, and great overall flavor strength. PUR's at 7% is comparable in strength to what I get with only 1-2% of FW.

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