Purilum Watermelon Cotton Candy


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 5 Days


Aroma: Cotton candy floss, artificial/candy watermelon, sugar.


Flavor Description: Not surprisingly, this is very sweet. I am getting the spun sugar flavor, it's a mild and somewhat delicate flavor. Very sweet and sugary, with a very light artificial candy like watermelon in the back. It's actually balanced very well in that the watermelon is there yet the cotton candy is still dominant. The only thing throwing me off is it has an unpleasant off note, like a floral/perfume? It's not offensive, but definitely out of place.  

Off Flavors: Floral/perfume


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: Sweetener for watermelon, accent fruit candies, gum? This is kind of limited to a single flavor mix for the most part.


Notes: I will like it a lot as a one shot if that floral note steeps out and I can mix it at a higher percentage to give it heavier flavor without it going too sweet or perfumey. I'm thinking 8-10% for a single flavor, providing the perfume note steeps out and it doesn't get too sugary, will need further testing. Otherwise I would probably only use it in trying to make candy or gum.

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