Purilum Vanilla Custard


Percentage Used: 7%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton wrapped parallel with 26g SS at 19W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 6 Days


Aroma: Medium strength, vanilla, cream, pudding.


Flavor Description: Smooth, creamy, thick vanilla cream with a hint of butter in the back. I'm not getting any egg notes, more of a pudding like flavor and texture, and the vanilla is prominent without overpowering. Surprisingly good and full flavored for such a short steep.

Comparing this to CAP's V1, which is my favorite, this is about equal in strength and percentage. PUR is not as rich and heavy, and doesn't have the egginess and dark vanilla, in a good way. It is easy to become tired of CAP's at times due to the richness, like eating too much dessert. PUR has a brighter and more prominent vanilla creaminess. Compared to FLV, PUR is not as concentrated 4-6% vs 8-11%. PUR is slightly more vanilla prominent and creamy than FLV, similar in flavor profiles otherwise. FLV tastes a little more mild/watered down/milky rather than creamy in comparison. Would I buy this? Yes, I am a custard lover, and I can see myself using this quite often.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 2/10


Pairings: Most any fruit, especially fleshy fruits and berries. Cookies, cakes, cereal, creams, custards, nuts, tobaccos, caramel, salted caramel, butter pecan, butterscotch, cheesecake, cake batter, graham cracker, pudding.


Notes: I'm thinking 8-11% SF, 2-6% in blends.

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