Purilum Vanilla Bourbon with Cream


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 4 Days and 4 Weeks


Aroma: Rich intense vanilla bean and sweet cream. The vanilla smells more like bourbon vanilla, not the alcoholic beverage.


Flavor Description: The first thing that hits my palette is a rich vanilla cream, followed by a punch of bourbon. Yes, the alcohol drink type of bourbon. It's not a bright vanilla, more a deep dark vanilla extract. It's already developing a creamy mouth feel even this early. At 4 weeks the bourbon has smoothed out really well and is definitely the first thing you taste. At 4 days the cream was prominent with the bourbon on the exhale, and that has completely flipped with the longer steep. Smooth bourbon is up front, with a light creamy vanilla back note. Although the cream is still there, some of the richness has faded. The vanilla is very light, but just strong enough to not be buried beneath the bourbon.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 3/10


Pairings: This will be fantastic paired with bread pudding or other desserts as a vanilla bourbon sauce. Or in whipped cream, and most especially tobaccos. Cookies, cakes, cereal, creams, custards, nuts, tobaccos.


Notes: I think this offers a unique flavor profile. I think it really lends itself best in bakeries and tobaccos. If cocktails are your thing maybe this will be a fun one to play with. This is a good strength for a SF, although not something I would vape stand alone, so I'm thinking 1-3% as an accent.

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