Purilum Toasted Coconut Mango Sherbet


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 20 Days


Manufacturer's Description: A unique flavor with a deliciously unique taste! A perfect background to tropical fruit blends or desserts!


Suggested Percentage: 5-10%


Aroma: Cat urine, mango, hint of coconut.


Flavor Description: Authentic creamy fresh mango. I'm also getting a hint of peach in the background. It has a very nice and light creamy texture and taste. Not like a dense fresh cream or ice cream, but a smooth creamed mango like it's been blended with a coconut milk as the base maybe? The coconut is faint and missing any toasted flavor. It's also missing that slight tart or tang usually present with a sherbet. It's more of a fruit sorbet to me. It's naturally sweet like the normal sweetness of fruit vs a sugar sweetened sherbet. This is a unique flavor that is hard to describe.


Off Flavors: Lack of "toasted" in the coconut, hints of peach.


Throat Hit: 3/10


Uses: This is a good fruit sorbet. It would be good paired with almost any tropical fruit for fruit punches or smoothies. Additional creamy or toasted coconut to add some support to what is already there. Vanilla and or cinnamon might add a tasty tweak.


Notes: The coconut is good if you want just a hint of the flavor, I think it would be even better with some more toasted coconut added. Flavor saturation is mild to moderate at this percentage. For a fully saturated flavor it's probably better in the 7-9% range. 2-4% in mixes.


Other Opinions: From louiesquared on ELR: Nice Sweet Mango with a hint of tartness. The Coconut is very light but lingers after the exhale. Doesn’t taste much like a Sherbet as it’s not really creamy. I would say this tastes more like a Sorbet. Either way, it’s very nice.

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