Purilum Toasted Coconut Cheesecake


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 4 Days and 3 Weeks


Aroma: Sweetened coconut flakes (baking type) is very dominant. Very slight hint of sour cheese/dirty feet in the back. Not getting any toasted aroma.


Flavor Description: Very good dessert flavor. Sweetened toasted coconut is strong and up front, and it's very authentic. Below that I'm getting a sweet pudding like cream, with hints of vanilla and faint graham crust? Not much mouth feel or density as of yet. It is also missing any resemblance to cheesecake at this point. It is more of a coconut cream pie. Missing any cream cheese tanginess right now. I'm enjoying it immensely, and hoping the cream will pop with a longer steep. At 4 weeks, this has developed into a nice dense thickness similar to a cheesecake. I'm still not getting any cream cheese though. It's a delicious coconut cream pie, with thick sweet vanilla and coconut pudding and a buttery graham crust. Topped with sweet toasted coconut flakes, and I am amazed at how accurately they hit the toasted flavor.


Off Flavors: Coconut cream pie?


Throat Hit: 3/10


Pairings: Cookies, cakes, creams, custards, nuts, tobaccos, cream cheese, cheesecake, graham cracker, whipped cream, frostings, ice cream, anywhere you want to add toasted coconut..


Notes: Although this doesn't quite hit cheesecake for me, it is a rich luscious dessert that disappeared very quickly. I will be making more of this very shortly! It's actually a pretty complete single flavor for me, pretty good at the 6%, although I still think it will be even better at 8-9%. It should be very versatile to work with, as an accent I recommend lower percentages so the coconut doesn't dominate, maybe 1-2.5%.

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