Purilum Sweet Tobacco


DISCLAIMER: (Skip if it's too long for you) Living in the household with a pack-a-day smoker, irregular diet with heavy coffee consumption and minor allergy issues - my buds may not be very good when it comes to providing a good review. Yet this flavor impressed me enough that it warranted it. Also note that I'm not a tobacco expert by any measure.

Setup Theorem RDTA with 27 ga. SS316L single coil, 6.5 wraps, ohm-ing out at .76-.79, 16-18 watts in power mode, full cotton wicking

Testing 7.5% in a 65/35 VG/PG base, approx. 10 mL, no steep time (SnV).

Flavor Description A somewhat sweet tobacco that is mostly pipe. I get the sense that it's a blended tobacco, but unsure which types... am guessing Burley and/or Virginia, with a dark leaf of some kind possibly thrown into it. The sweetness seems to be inherent to the leaf... like some kind of Cavendish. Yet am picking up notes of wood/grain/nuts/granola, so it produces a somewhat complex earthy tone. It is not a rich or bold tobacco hit.

Off Flavors/Mouth Feel Not really detecting anything off... yet am thinking there is a hint of rum or even butter/cream.

Throat Hit Quite mild but present. With chain-vaping, get a slight feel of having smoked.

Uses As a stand-alone, it is pretty impressive. I can easily see this as being an all-day choice for me. Believe that a dark coffee could be paired with it. Or someone could mix in caramel and vanilla to make themselves a custom RY4. Also believe that fruit pairings might work nicely, namely a light apple or mild cherry.... possibly even banana. I don't really see this as being a component of elaborate tobacco mixtures nor necessarily a substitute for RY4 or other tobaccos, per se.

Speculation I am guessing that Cavendish is one type of tobacco that is used to make certain RY formulas, thus this flavor may have been an attempt to create one when they realized it's just fine on it's own. Not sure if any sweetener is used for Runyans, so Cavendish does make a lot of sense. I don't believe any Turkish leaf flavors were used. Cigarette lovers may not like this at all. And if a person wanted additional throat-hit, they might try using a bourbon/whiskey "additive" flavoring. As to the suggestion of coffee, was vaping it when I opened a fresh container of Folgers and loved the aroma combination! I STRONGLY feel that it would be super addicting if the right choice was made for which coffee to use. Going out on a limb, might say FA Espresso (Dark Bean) but no real knowledge of what percentages would be good. Maybe 8% this and 1% Espresso?? Also believe that those who enjoy TFA's RY4 Double as a stand-alone should mix this at the same percentages (strength). Can possibly be paired with creams??

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