Purilum Strawberry Swirl


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 3 Days and 4 Weeks


Aroma: Sweet strawberry candy. Creamy. Not cream. Almost like the strawberry and cream lifesavers.


Flavor Description: Very artificial strawberry candy. A slight hint of creaminess, but not cream. I think it's trying to be a strawberry swirl lifesaver, but it's not. Very generic and very very sweet. At 4 weeks this hasn't changed much for me. Sweet artificial strawberry candy, still has a light hint of creaminess. I'm at a loss on what else to say about this one.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: Almost any fruit. Whipped cream, vanillas, ice cream?


Notes: This is a pretty good strength for a stand alone, maybe 6-9%. If you like strawberry candy you will probably like this. I can't really think of anything I would use this in for a recipe. Please let me know if you come up with any good recipes with it.

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