Purilum Sour Raspberry Candy


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 16 Days


Manufacturer Description: Tart/Sour candy with sweet notes of Raspberry! A truly unique and remarkable flavor that has numerous uses!


Manufacturers Suggested Usage: 5-10%


Aroma: Artificial raspberry. Sweetness.


Flavor Description: Sweet artificial raspberry candy. It has that hard candy flavor to it. Raspberry is the dominant flavor, but I'm also getting hints of blue raspberry every once in a while. This one also seems a bit dry, almost powdery? Maybe it's from a sour additive? I'm not getting any sour flavor nor sensation. The raspberry seems muted and flat. It's missing the juiciness that I usually associate with a hard candy, as well as that slight pucker tang usually found in the sour varieties.


Off Flavors: Hints of blue raspberry.


Throat Hit: 2/10


Uses: Candy. Additive to make raspberry coke, ginger ale, , lemon lime, cream soda, or raspberry soda. Anywhere you are looking for a sweet artificial raspberry flavor.


Notes: The dryness and muting made this a somewhat unpleasant vape for my personal tastes.


Other Opinions: From louiesquared on ELR: It’s tart but I wouldn’t say that it’s sour. It has a nice Raspberry Candy flavor. Kind of dry like maybe a Pixie Stix or Fun Dip candy. There’s a little bit of a chemical aftertaste but it’s not too bad. I’ll retest in another week or two and see if it has steeped off.

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