Purilum Sour Cherries and Oranges


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 3 Days and 4 Weeks


Aroma: Sour, orange zest, cooking cherries.


Flavor Description: Sour orange juice with a hint of bright cherry, like the light red cherries. Not dark skinned sweet cherries. It's good, but the flavors are definitely separate, orange, the sour, then cherry. With the longer steep the flavors have really blended well and become cohesive. It's a very refreshing orange and fresh tart cherry cocktail. The tartness is pronounced, but the base of the drink is sweet. So it's perfect for sweet and tart lovers.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 4/10


Pairings: Almost any citrus fruit. Lime, lemon, lemonade, Koolada.


Notes: I think this is a great summer stand alone flavor. Good strength at 6% for a single flavor, maybe can push it to 8% for in your face flavor, although that might tip it over the edge to chemical. Probably 1.5-4% in mixes as an accent.

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