Purilum Simply Cake


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 4 Days and 4 Weeks


Aroma: Yellow cake. Vanilla cake with hint of caramel?


Flavor Description: This has a very authentic yellow cake flavor. It has a very faint hint of either brown sugar or caramel that takes it firmly into yellow cake. I'm getting a slightly dense feel with a hint of raw batter. I'm excited to see how this will develop with a steep. Much better than the Purilum Yellow Cake, which I didn't like. With the longer steep this has moved closer towards a vanilla cake. The raw batter has toned down, but there are still enough hints of it to be yummy. I am getting a light hint of butter and vanilla that I didn't notice at the earlier steep. It has good body, and the caramel note is very faint now. For me it a delicious cake base with hints of butter, vanilla, caramel, and batter.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: Almost any fruit, especially stone fruits. Cookies, cakes, creams, custards, nuts, vanillas, meringue. Good for adding texture and depth to cobblers, custards and chewy cookies.


Notes: A very versatile cake. It could easily go in the direction of yellow cake, or butter cake, or white cake, or cupcakes or cake batter, dependent on what you mix with. Medium strength flavor at 6%, strong enough for a single flavor if you like cake by itself, maybe even up to 8-9% for a stronger SF. As an accent or body filler I will try 1.5-4%.

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