Purilum Golden Pineapple


Percentage Used: 7%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton wrapped parallel with 26g SS at 19W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 7 Weeks


Aroma: Medium strength, tangy, sweet, slightly artificial, canned pineapple.


Flavor Description: Juicy lightly sweetened canned pineapple. Very realistic and good flavor, doesn't have that acidic tartness you get with fresh pineapple. Could be very versatile depending on the application, but it does have some flavor fade and becomes quite weak after a steep at this level.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 2/10


Pairings: Any tropical fruit, especially mangos, papayas, coconut, melons. Cookies, cakes, lighter creams, nuts, brown sugar, cream cheese.


Notes: 7% is too low a percentage for longer steeps. It will require further testing, but it's going to need quite a bit more to maintain strength for long. SF I would say 5-8% if used within 2 weeks and 1.5-5% in blends. For best results I really recommend vaping in 2 weeks or less after mixing.

Compared to CAP's Golden Pineapple, this is very similar in flavor profile. Not as strong or tangy, but also not as sharp and acidic.

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