Purilum Cookie


Percentage Used: 4%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 3 and 10 Days


Aroma: Grain, sugar, butter.


Flavor Description: This is a nice shortbread cookie, with mild to moderate sweetness, slightly buttery. Just a hint of vanilla, the mouth feel is slightly moist and cakey. Not dry or grainy. This requires a longer steep and/or stronger percentage. The flavor is there, but I think it will be lost underneath other flavors other than providing body, so I am interested to see what happens with a full steep.

10 Days: This has surprised me with how much it strengthened with the longer steep time. The depth and strength has developed enough that I believe it will stand up to other flavors . A buttery fluffy shortbread cookie, with the breadiness being prominent rather than dry and crispy. It has a faint caramelization on the end of the exhale that gives it a lightly baked taste, with a sweet vanilla inhale. Its a spot on flavor of Lorna Doone shortbread cookies. Seems a good strength for a single flavor in the 4-6% range. Probably 1.5-3% in mixes.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: Cookies, cakes, cereal, creams, custards, nuts, tobaccos, pie crusts, pastries, smoothies or shakes, jammy type fruits, icing, frosting, butter, maple.


Notes: I really like this, it's a true bready yet still crisp cookie, buttery and with enough sweetness to say I'm a cookie while still not going to sugar cookie. I don't get dryness from this like I do with FA cookie. I do like FA cookie as well, but's it's more a generic crispy cracker type cookie, missing the butter and very little sweetness compared to this one.


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