Purilum Butter Pecan


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton coil at 20W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 3 Days and 2 Weeks


Aroma: Baked pecans, butter, caramel, cream.


Flavor Description: At a 3 day steep I'm in love. Nutty, buttery, slightly creamy, mildly sweet. Smooth, authentic fresh roasted pecans are dominant yet not heavy like candy. At a 2 week steep this has become much richer. The pecans are still very dominant, in a good way. The butter and caramel has really strengthened and stands up equally to the pecans now, and the dairy cream type creaminess has faded a little. It's still creamy, but it's more the rich creaminess you get from butter rather than milk or cream. Well balanced with the ratio of caramel to pecans, it avoids being overly sweet and candy like while still being rich and buttery. Delicious :)


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 2/10


Pairings: Almost any stone fruit and definitely banana. Bakeries, cookies, cakes, creams, custards, coffees, tobaccos, candy, nougat, ice cream.


Notes: For single flavor I recommend 6-8% in an RDA and 7-9% in a tank. For an accent flavor probably in the 1-4% range. So yummy! Just in case you missed it, I really like this ;)


Comparison: Compared to FW, this is more natural pecan that has been browned in sweet cream butter and caramel. The pecan nut is more prominent and it's moderately sweet. FW has a lot stronger and heavier cream component, almost like a butter pecan ice cream. It's also sweeter and the pecan isn't quite as dominant. Both of these are very good and will provide different notes to recipes.

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