Purilum Bananascotch Cream


Percentage Used: 6%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 7 Days and 4 Weeks


Aroma: Banana cream pudding with a dark caramelized butterscotch.


Flavor Description: Fresh ripe banana, mildly sweet cream. Not a pudding, it doesn't have the thickness or density. Has a very very light hint of creamy butterscotch. Very much like the butterscotch syrup that goes on ice cream, nothing candy like. At 4 weeks it's an authentic ripe banana. It has the creaminess you get from a fresh banana, maybe a slight hint of light cream? The balance between the butterscotch and banana is very good, with the fruit dominant drizzled with a butterscotch syrup. The butterscotch is moderately sweet, not overly sweet or dark.


Off Flavors: None


Throat Hit: 1/10


Pairings: Other fruits. Cookies, cakes, cereal, creams, custards, nuts, ice cream, banana split.


Notes: Even though this isn't a cream, it did seem to become creamier after steeping. It's ok at this percentage in an RDA, but if using as a single flavor I would use 8-10% for a fuller flavor.

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