One Stop DIY Lotta Latte


Flavour Name: OSDIY Lotta Latte SFT at: 10%, 1mg, 60/40 Tested on: Citadel, single coil, fused clapton, 0.56 ohms, 35 w Steeped for: overnight

Flavour Description: would be useable as a SNV (I steep everything at minimum overnight, so that's kind of my definition of SNV). It's already pretty good. I imagine it's going to get even better and richer with a little bit of a steep. But I doubt its going to need long though. Of all the OSDIY flavours I've tried I've noticed they've all been great as SNVs.

I don't have a lot of experience with coffee flavours. When I first started vaping I had a thoroughly unpleasant commercial eliquid that was apparently a hazelnut coffee. It put me off coffee vapes for a long time. But I do really like OSDIY Lotta Latte. It is basically a one shot. It reminds me of a frappuccino from Starbucks, without the cooling. Although i think a little cooling would work really nicely if you wanted to take it that way. The caramel note is really lovely. It's like gooey caramel sauce has been mixed into a creamy coffee. I'm pretty sure there is some sucralose that is probably helping the caramel out. Overall it's pretty sweet, something to bare in mind when mixing with it. Although it's not overly sweet. I get a bit of the sugar lips sweetness on the end especially. The coffee note is nice. It's not too in your face, but still very much present. Not at all skunky or burnt. The balance of the cream, caramel and coffee is really nice. There's not one element that's a lot more prominent than another. It tastes like the coffee, cream and caramel have been blended together and poured into a cup.

Mouthfeel/ Texture: creamy, good gooey texture from the caramel.

Off Notes: none. None of the usual off notes associated with coffee, not skunky or burnt tasting.

Throat Hit: none, very smooth and creamy.

% Testing: the recommended % according to is 8-15% as a SF and 3-8% in a mix. I'd say this is probably about right. 10% was pretty flavourful and saturated, but if i was going to vape it as a SF I'd probably increase the % a bit - maybe 12-15%? I do like my vapes on the bolder end of the spectrum though.

Use and Pairings: it's pretty much a one shot and I could vape it as a SF. But it would be easy to add a few other flavours for a more interesting mix. It's definitely something a recipe could be built around.

Would be a great base to build a Starbucks type coffee. Could add a bit of FW Hazelnut or WF Hazelnuts and Cream, a bit more coffee and maybe a touch more caramel and it would be really good. Could also add a little cooling for a cold frappuccino type coffee mix.

Would be great to flavour creams, custards or cheesecakes, if you wanted to do a coffee flavoured cream or custard you could maybe add it at around 6-10%? Or use it lower to add a some of the lovely caramel note, a bit of creaminess and a more subtle coffee note.

Could add toffee or butterscotch, alcohols like bourbon, chocolate (maybe something like VT Devon Cream), nuts like hazelnut or pecan, tobaccos - maybe Red Burley or Tatanka. I bet it would be really yummy with OSDIY Lucky Shot, would make a really good, really caramel-y latte with graham notes. Or maybe Mom & Pops Calipitter Chow could be interesting? Give it a nuttiness, extra caramel and a bit of a savoury note.

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