One On One Sweet Potato


🏷️ "Description: Taste just like a Mashed Sweet Potato. With just a little sweetener added, it will melt in your mouth." - OOO Link: Sweet Potato

Suggested Usage (Vaping): 1%-10% Depending on the flavor

- Diacetyl & Gluten Free, Keto Friendly (Low Carb Count), Vegan, Nut & Dairy Free

- Acetoin _% • Acetyl Propionyl _% • Diacetyl 0_%


Single Flavor Test: 3.5 & 6%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | TigerTek Morphe RDA | Organic Japanese Cotton

_ _ _ _ _

2 Week Steep – 6% SFT

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Description: Sweet, Creamy…Nutty…Bready

- Knuckle: Sweet...Pumpkin and nuts?


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural & Cooked. Honey-like Sweetness, “Fluffy”, Light Nutty Buttery Taro mixed with Semi-Tart Undercooked “Pumpkin/Sweet Potato” like flavor. Mild notes of a Soft, Dry Yeasty Bakery Flavor on Exhale. Medium Body with a Smooth Mouth Feel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: Light Taro* - Not Off Putting

- Pumpkin “Squash”/Sweet Potato Flavor Akin to HS Pumpkin but Stronger & Mixed with Taro (FE)

► Quick Notes 3.5%

- Moderate Flavor Intensity. Same Notes as @ 6% but lighter. Pumpkin flavor subtle but noticeable.


►Mixing % Estimate*

Usage: 2 - 3% min • 4 - 5% med • 6 - 7% max

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