One On One Smokey Bacon


I’ve had this concentrate for a while. I originally got this along with a few other meat concentrates from OoO to experiment with adding them to tobacco recipes for the missing smoky/savory elements from combusted tobacco. However, less than 24 hours after receiving the package and leaving it on a table in my office, the house started smelling like I’d stashed a corpse under the floorboards. I traced that smell to the OoO package, and promptly exiled it to the garage.

It took a couple months, maybe 3, for the garage to stop smelling like an Union Carbide plant died of cancer. More accurately, the smell subsided enough for me to approach the package without Level 4 PPE and determine that the culprit was the bottle of OoO Beef. That shit went into the trash, and the rest of the concentrates went back onto my flavor rack. If you were wondering why convoys of Superfund trucks were coming in and out of the local landfill for several weeks last year, now you know. OoO Beef, not even once.

So, Smoky Bacon. “Good God, Greybush, are you mad?”, you ask. Sort of, but that’s beside the point. I’ve been messing with DIY tobaccos for a while, and I was attempting a “like for like” approach to recreating the pouch aroma of a freshly opened thing of Drum rolling tobacco. One of the relatable elements from that was a similar sort of savory/smoked element that was a lot like the smell of beef jerky, but more subtle and less overtly meaty. That’s what got me to start hunting down smoked/salty meat concentrates, I was gonna test using them in small doses as casing/saucing additives to the base leaf flavors.

I didn’t get around to actually trying this until recently, partly from being traumatized by the OoO Beef fiasco, and partly because I’d forgotten about it. Here we go!

Mixing details: around 70VG/30PG, 12mg/mL nicotine, 10mL testers.

Device used: QP Gata in MTL mode, 2.5mm ID 1 ohm 26 gauge KA1 coil, at 15-25 watts. Steeped and tasted over the course of a week.

The suggested percentages from OoO was a range from 1% to 3%, so I started at the high end and then went low.

3%: The tragic aftermath of a grease fire gone out of control.

1.5%: Burnt bacon bits embedded in black frying pan sludge.

1%: ::lights a Snausage and takes a deep drag::

0.75%: Intense bacon grease and liquid smoke. After about a week, it sort of calms down to a heavy wood smoke with some lingering bacon grease.

0.25-0.5% max seems to be where it’s at for an additive, especially when paired with DNB in equal proportion. I can’t really imagine vaping this flavor solo, and as a support flavor, it’s potent enough to overshadow anything else at the recommended 1%-3% percentages.

Suggested pairings: Use in tiny doses to add a bit of smoked/pan fried character to other food flavors maybe? I’m thinking as an alternative to FA Black Fire if you’re one of these people who get charred bell peppers from it instead of hickory smoke. Drier tobaccos that are more nutty/woody work. FLV Red Burley, Kentucky Blend, FA 7Leaves Ultimate, that kind of stuff. Avoid sweet tobaccos, you end up with more of a barbecue sauce flavor, especially if you go overboard on something like FLV Native Tobacco or FLV Connecticut Shade.

Additional notes: Use sparingly, add to taste. Too much and all you’ll pick up is smoky bacon grease. Not a replacement for DNB, but complements it. Plays decent with FA Oak Wood as well.

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