Nude Nicotine Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Pie Filling


NN Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Pie Filling
So I'll start by saying I'm a little disappointed with this flavor, especially as someone who is a bit of a Nude Nicotine Fanboi. The biggest thing I'm sensing from this is some strange berry mix that is reminiscent of medicine. I can see where they might be saying rhubarb, as there is just the slightest hint of that tart freshness from the rhubarb, but it's completely overwhelmed by the off-putting berry mix, somewhat similar to their Very Berry concentrate. It is kind of thick and jammy, which is nice and I could see that aspect being useful.

I tried this at 3%, since most of their flavorings are good in a range of 2-7% (I've found 5-6 to be the sweet spot for most of them). Overall it just kind of misses the mark, has an off-putting medicinal flavor, and I don't see using this when there are a ton of great concentrates in all of the categories they were going for that we can use in its place. If this was all I had to vape, I could get through it and wouldn't be inclined to end my life; it's not that bad, but I'm completely let down from the notion of a "Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Pie Filling".

On the Nose
Medicinal Berries

Stand alone: 3-5%. If you are so inclined, or have this flavoring and want to experiment, it might benefit from bringing it lower

In a mix: 1-2%. Who knows, maybe someone will find a use for it.


Other Raspberries, Strawberries, or Rhubarb to bring it to a better place; pie crust, biscuits, brown sugar, sweeteners.

Um... this flavoring? IDK, Coffees, Caramels, heavy creams, things like that.

I didn't notice much change from 1 day to 1 week. The medicinal aspect did calm down after a steep and I was able to sense what I think is the rhubarb they were going for.

Testing Notes
So far --- disappointing. Tastes medicinal like other NN berries unfortunately. Will let it steep and come back to it. not getting any rhubarb or strawberry, just kind of a medicinal raspberry taste.

The medicinal aspect has calmed down quite a bit. I sense what I think might be the rhubarb they were going for, but it's so muddled from the berries that it's hard to pick up.

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