MolinBerry Honey Berry



"Frivolous raspberry, another berry & crunchy honey bits."

Suggested Mix Percentage: 6-7%

I mixed this on 10/27/2018 at 4%. I'm vaping this on a Pulse RDA 0.25ohms 45 watts NI and KA single fused clapton. The honey is upfront but its not offensive at all, it makes this mix seem like honey nut cheerios. It has a bit of a cereal type note to it, not an oat, just plain cereal. The cereal or crispy note kind of reminds me of FA cookie mixed really low. The raspberry mixed with the strawberry is a perfect combination. The strawberry is a nice sweet juicy strawberry flavor, its somewhat candy like. The raspberry is in there lingering and mixing together with the strawberry to almost give it a jammy type feel.

I could see adding some more cereal and/or cookie to this to make it seem more like a honey nut cheerio cereal with berries. Overall this has been a very enjoyable vape. I let a friend of mine try it who is really sensitive to honey flavors and she loved it. A lot of honey flavors tend to have that cat pee aroma but this one passed the test and does not have that at all. My tester mixed at 4% seemed perfect.

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