MolinBerry Custard


Molinberry Custard

Mixed at 6%,7%,&8% 70/30 NO NIC Tested once a week for a total of 4 weeks Tested on Recoil with n-80 dual fused clapton 60-70 watts. Flavoring was purchased from DIYVAPORSUPPLY

Molinberry describes it as a creamy soft custard, full of flavorful vanilla beans. They also claim that every bottle is packaged with REAL VANILLA BEANS INSIDE They suggest you mix single flavor 7%

Mine does not have vanilla beans inside of it. Whether it did or not when it was shipped to DIYVS I can not say.

Off the shake I couldn't detect much flavor at all. After it steeped for a week. I started to get a eggy custard note as well as some nuttiness and a mild spice At week 2 this flavor reached its fullest potentional in my opinion. A nutty eggy custard. I didn't get alot of vanilla. I did get a decent amount of a spice that really reminded me of nutmeg.

Maybe my taste buds are broken, or they reformulated this flavor, or DIYVS could of sent me something else. Because other reviews of this flavoring on various European websites state. They get a rich vanilla custard that reminds them of CAP VC1. Which is not at all what I got, but most of those reviews were form early and mid 2016, but I did see one from Nov 2017 that stated they got an overly eggy custard with a mild cinnamon. Which is closer to my experience.

The only difference I detected between 6%-8% was that the spice & egg got strong the higher I pushed it.

Pairing: other custards/creams, bakeries, chocolates, & fruits

Suggested percentages: Mixing .5-4% Depending on if you want it to be an additive/backnote or the star of the show Single 6%-7%

The recipe I tried it in used it at 1.25%

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